July Hatch-a-long

Ok, I got everything ready for lockdown tomorrow. had to get rid of one more egg... I'm almost afraid to open it to see what happened. There was some veins in it day 12ish... they're gone now.
. I don't wanna open it. The air sac grew a little but not significant like the rest. I did see a few try to pip internally already!
I took them out of the egg cartons and cut some toilet paper rolls, but there are some that fall right through. I want to move them again but I'm going to wait until right before lockdown. I've played around with them too much this evening; candling, rearranging... I'm afraid I might have messed things up. hopefully they still hatch
18 out of 22 left!
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Hi there.... havent been in a hatch along for a few monthsSaw this in the forum
Guess Im coming in late here as my hatches are due 25th 26th and 31st
Coming along fine so far.
Lav Orps and Lav Amercaunas maybe some Palomino Bantam Brahmas although none have ever hatch yet and i got rid of the parents ...so id really like them to work out this time.
A few anyway
Other hens got in the Palominos coop so I truly don't know what ill get there Probably some big suprises I set everything in there but all are tan so could be anything mixed or pure Pals

Anybody else hatching late too?

Hey Nicole..Did you just get eggs from me yesterday or am I confusing ppl.?
I just saw my one Buff Orp was broody again yesterday.
Guess ill come along to the August also as im setting some under her tomorrow Probably due Aug 4th if all goes well
ROX!!! My original hatching buddy who taught me so much! Good to see you again
This time I am hatching some of my own eggs for the first time. I've got 5 silkie sizzle eggs in lockdown now & last night I set my first 16 SFH from my girls along with 3 from a pen with Brahma bantam & cochin bantam & 1 more silkie sizzle. Do you remember Sugar Peeps the little silkie that was my very first chick to hatch? It's the one that you & Brooks taught me to make boots for his feet. Anyway, the eggs in lockdown are his babies with my partridge hen. My first grand-chicks
So glad to be back hatching with you-
Ummmm, we're clearly punch drunk with lockdown excitement.
that is so true Crissie- I think I'm like this with this hatch cause it's the first of my own eggs in so many years. I've been so anxious over these- and you know I have looked at that 'spot' on that egg several times today & I swear it looks like a star pip... nothing else going on in the bator that I can tell. Oh & hopefully I didn't fry the eggs I set last night, cause I got up this morning & the other bator they are in, the temp jumped to 102
I got it back to normal & it's holding steady, but I hope they are going to be ok...
My 4 eggs are starting to hatch! I can hear the chicks peeping inside. It's time for bed but it's hard to sleep. Part of me wants to stay up and wait. Wish it was the weekend still. My broody girl has done such a good job... Oh chickens, I love them :) I hope they all make it

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