July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

I had another chick from mrsmooncat hatch...it's a C3...it's blue and I'm gonna guess a LF Cochin...very beautiful almost lavender blue..and I'm gonna guess that the A1 is a Blue Andalusian? Thanks for my adorable chicks!!!

I'm sorry you didn't get more to hatch. You guessed right on the super secret code :D

A, A1, 1 - Blue Andalusian
C, C3, 3 - LF BBS Cochin
D, D4, 4 - Delaware

That is great you got one of the lavender(ish) chicks. I have one hen who lays that color about 1 in every 12 or so eggs. I have kept a few of those chicks to see if I can get more of them. They are very pretty.

Enjoy your chicks :)
So all of my July swap eggs finished hatching last night.  I have no idea which one is the Black Langshan now that the BCM have hatched.  Thanks to my swap partners for the beautiful babies!!  Onwards to August!

Did the green egg hatch? If the Blue eggs with 7 on them hatched, they are from my SQ Blue/Black Ameraucana pen.
I'm sorry you didn't get more to hatch. You guessed right on the super secret code

A, A1, 1 - Blue Andalusian
C, C3, 3 - LF BBS Cochin
D, D4, 4 - Delaware
That is great you got one of the lavender(ish) chicks. I have one hen who lays that color about 1 in every 12 or so eggs. I have kept a few of those chicks to see if I can get more of them. They are very pretty.
Enjoy your chicks
I'm sure it was due to the heat or p.o...they all developed and most were late quitters. Most of them made it to lockdown. Has been that way for most all of my swap eggs...My eggs are hatching so it's got to be one of the 2...Wow... 1 in 12 and it was the only 1 in that breed that hatched
..that would be the case...it's a real beauty though...I sure wish some of those Delawares had hatched for me too...love those.
My last little Silkie from Brandy (yes, could tell this 1 was a Silkie for sure) didn't make it either.

Would love to see pix from Brandy & Tina to see what my babies look like. Never know what is gonna pop outta a mixed egg & I don't think any of the Silkies & Cochins I sent made it.
so sorry Nan. My eggs from you are still in lockdown...will let you know if they hatch and get you a pic.
So all of my July swap eggs finished hatching last night. I have no idea which one is the Black Langshan now that the BCM have hatched. Thanks to my swap partners for the beautiful babies!! Onwards to August!

Yay :) How many BCM's hatched? Guess you'll have to wait a while to be able to tell the Langshan apart from them again heh
I am not sure which one it is, they have been put in the brooder with the ones that hatched the week before and since I was not home for the hatch I do not know who came out of which egg.......but I think it is the chipmunk one in this pic.

If it was a Ruby egg that hatched it could be the chipmunk 1, or the little red one is very likely as well. Ruby is a Red Star, but the roo that liked her best was my mixed banty Samuel who looked like a FBCM (lightly feathered legs & all).
Did the green egg hatch? If the Blue eggs with 7 on them hatched, they are from my SQ Blue/Black Ameraucana pen.
No, the green one didn't hatch. I know I have a chipmunk out of a #6 and I'm not sure what came out of the other blue one. Couldn't find a number on it but I will keep an eye on the bunch.
How do all of you know which bird came from which egg ?? I number eggs or what they are if I know, but the problem is when I am not home is when they all seem to hatch, so even though I can look to see the number on the egg, I still do not know who came out of that egg.
How do all of you know which bird came from which egg ?? I number eggs or what they are if I know, but the problem is when I am not home is when they all seem to hatch, so even though I can look to see the number on the egg, I still do not know who came out of that egg.

I have hatching baskets and a wire that goes over top of them so no escape artists and i know what came from what then.
Beth (BHep) so far I have 2 out and 1 pipped. 4 made it to lock down but so far nothing from the 4th. I am guessing serama since they are so small. Am I right.
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