
I have 2 batches due this month! I shiped in more Breda Fowl because I fell very much in love with them and Silkies and swedish flower and they are doing great and due on the 13, looking to be my best shiped egg hatching yet this year! Those shipped eggs can make a person stress lol.

And we have our own barn yard mixed eggs and a couple bantams due to hatch on the 25, these ones are my daughters first solo hatch she collected got ready and is doing all the turning as we only have one auto-turner. The shells on most are pretty dark so I won't have her check until day 7 or so but our own eggs have been hatching at 90+% so fingers crossed for another great hatch!
It’s the end of day 19 for me and everything has been steady through lockdown. I’m a nervous wreck but so excited! I was even playing chick noises from YouTube this morning to encourage them. :lau Patience is so tough though!
C929B001-B971-42C6-9283-4B241717DC91.jpeg F5C2F84E-8367-484C-A307-6A6F9B3D451E.jpeg 00D3D9E6-E9CA-489A-BBE4-D8AD28627E76.jpeg 4EE4BFB7-8F2B-4880-AC9C-DA1BECCCBD22.jpeg Ok so all 4 have pipped! They’re all pretty much on the wrong side of the egg though (toward the pointy end). I’m guessing this is because they were shipped eggs? I stopped turning a few days early and went into lockdown a bit early so I’m not sure why they didn’t orient themselves properly. The 4th egg pipped on the underside so I raised my humidity a bit and quickly flipped it and the humidity didn’t get below 54%. I was really trying for a hands off approach but I didn’t want the poor thing to drown :confused: I have a feeling I won’t be sleeping tonight...
@dancechick915 I am wondering how things looked on day 7 and did you put them in the horizontal turner? I am day 2 and wondering what I should do for tomorrow. So much conflicting information about early part of incubating shipped eggs in regards to turning day 3 or day 7 :idunno

So an update on how everything went... I replied earlier about the how long I left them vertical without turning and the 4 infertile and 1 scrambled eggs. I’m not sure if I also mentioned I found one that was an early quitter (somewhere around day 7-10). So that left 4 eggs. I put them into lockdown early and bumped up the humidity (it stayed between 70-85). All four pipped at the end of day 19/beginning of day 20. All pipped on the wrong end of the egg and none went through the air cell. The first egg to hatch had an ok air cell when it arrived. It wasn’t good but wasn’t completely detached. The second egg had the worst air cell or of the bunch (completely detached and would move to the other side when I flipped it). This air cell actually repaired itself. This egg had no problem hatching despite popping on the wrong side. The first two hatched between 12-20 hours after pulling (I was there when they pipped so I can’t barrow it down completely). The third egg had zipped mostly around but was breaking off egg shell without cutting through the membrane. The fourth egg completely hatched before the third could finish zipping. (Eggs 3 and 4 had good air cells upon arrival). Egg 4 hatched 26 hours after pip. Egg 3 looked like it was struggling and really wanted out but the membrane was just holding it in. After egg 4 hatched I decided to pull back a little membrane. It really started kicking so 10 minutes later I went ahead and did the membrane zipping for the chick and one minute later it hatched! All four are doing great. If the seller had sent me all fertile eggs I think my hatching percentage would’ve been really high. 4 out of either 5 or 6 fertile ones (since the other 4 were infertile and the scrambled one I couldn’t tell) hatched which is good enough for me! Bows here’s to hoping they’re all girls!

Here are the muppets...

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