Jumbo Pekin or (regular...?)Pekin?

Okay... So I'm back again! I was being niave and the way that I weighed Zephir and Kephir was by standing on the bathroom scale holding them... Anyway, I now know that's not the way to go! I don't have a scale that would work to weigh them accurately. But I was still questioning whether they were Jumbos or not. By doing some research I found this post:


This post told me everything I needed to know! It was all very informational and I loved that it informed me that the Jumbo's egg are almost geese sized!!! Zephir and Kephir are Jumbo Pekins. I was kinda wondering by looking at Zephir and Kephir how there could be any bigger of duck! Anyway I could tell by the pics that the Jumbos are just more buff! I'm very thankful that my Jumbos don't have leg issues and never have. They have lots of exercise to keep them fit and they have access to a pool 24/7!
Pekin eggs are about double the size of a regular chicken egg, they're fatter or wider. We received some a few months back from a farm and they were massive. The yolk is a very rich and creamy, my husband prefers duck eggs over chicken eggs any day (my dogs do too).

Being someone who just got a Pekin, duckling make sure you are giving it vitamins and niacin. Mine had severe leg problems for about a week after I bought it from tractor supply. I'm not sure why they never treated it, but it's legs were almost at a 90 angle, it was bad. It was stepping all over its feet and falling every time it tried to move. They're straight now, but it's huge compared to my others.
I have a week old Pekin and she’s really really pigeon toed. I’ve been giving her niacin like crazy. What else did you give your duckling to help fix her legs? And can you tell when they’re a baby if they’re jumbo or not?
I have a week old Pekin and she’s really really pigeon toed. I’ve been giving her niacin like crazy. What else did you give your duckling to help fix her legs? And can you tell when they’re a baby if they’re jumbo or not?
....you should probably start a new thread and add some photos- this one is from 2019...
You will have better luck with a new thread in the duck “forum” IMO-
Without seeing photos- niacin, and supervised swim time (yes, even so young- just stay with her and make sure the water is just deep enough that she can barely touch the bottom if she needs a break but has room to really kick and dive) are likely your best bets.
But please- start a new thread and add some photos of what she’s looking like rn.
. Photos of her legs.
. Let us know if she can stand/ walk.
. If you can take a short video, upload to YouTube, and post a link- that would also be very helpful. But not as important as the rest of these suggestions.
. Photos of the bottom of her feet (sometimes they develop oddly if they have bumblefoot developing- which, yes, can happen even at such a young age...)
Also include
- what she’s being fed (brand and protein content at the least)
- what you are using to add niacin
- frequency of administration and form (in her water, orally, etc)
- does she have other ducklings her age? How are they doing?

I’m sure I’m forgetting something important 😂 but get your thread going and we will help you over “there”
What form of niacin are you giving her? Are you feeding a duckling grower feed? I don't think you can tell when they are babies, unless you get them from a breeder or hatchery who knows. There are other white ducks that look like pekins but are smaller, Duclairs and White layers.

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