Jumping on us


Free Ranging
15 Years
Jun 7, 2009
Brightwood, OR
My Coop
My Coop
I'm hoping this is some sort of term of endearment, but is it? There is 1 (we have 6 RIR's - approx 14weeks) inparticular that always wants to jump up on us.... What's this all about? Are they ninja chickens or this is normal ?

It would have been cool if they actually were ninja chickens tho huh!
I have 1 that likes to do that, but unless he's wearing a diaper he isn't allowed to roam with me for very long, instead he'll just follow me around, or want to sit on my arm.
As a newbie I thought chickens would not be affectionate but mine love to jump up on me and also will sit in my lap for long periods of time just letting me pet them! It's AWESOME!!!!

Another chicken lover here!
I have a white Leghorn (supposed to be one of the flightiest birds) that loves to sit on me! My RIR's are also very friendly and will jump on my lap at the slightest opportunity! Chickens are great!

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