June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

2 mtrs background and one each of the star fabrics, we are in meters here (those darn French) but I have plenty left. Hope this helps!
Lets do the maths..... We'll round the squares to 4" The star fabrics need 4 of each so...16 X 4 = 64. Fabric is about 40" wide so from each width you can cut 10 squares 64 divided by 10. Is 6.4. So you will need 7 strips by 4". So that is a minimum of 28". A yard will give you some insurance!
The background needs 4 extra squares cut so that is double the amount so 56" minimum so a yard and 3/4 should be ok.
I love that block so pretty, so I have one more question, the background doesn't necessarily have to be white? Just checking to be sure. Your block is very pretty. Love It!
2 mtrs background and one each of the star fabrics, we are in meters here (those darn French) but I have plenty left. Hope this helps!
Lets do the maths..... We'll round the squares to 4" The star fabrics need 4 of each so...16 X 4 = 64. Fabric is about 40" wide so from each width you can cut 10 squares 64 divided by 10. Is 6.4. So you will need 7 strips by 4". So that is a minimum of 28". A yard will give you some insurance!
The background needs 4 extra squares cut so that is double the amount so 56" minimum so a yard and 3/4 should be ok.
So the stars need one yard total? I would need 1/2 yard each color? You are really good at math I hate math not good at all.

Thanks Kimmie
So, do we have 16 quilters?

I've got the HSTs put together... getting them squared up so I can do strips and then put the blocks together.

I wish I had cut them at 4" instead of 3-7/8. Even though I have a 1/4" seam foot, I have to put the needle just one click to the right to make it just under 1/4 inch. I don't have a lot to trim off. It's pretty close in some cases. I'm sure it will work out fine. Having fun with this block.

I can hardly wait to see all the chicken/fall swap blocks everybody does. I know it will be a while though.
No we are not at 16 yet, still waiting to hear from abbynormal on if she is in, pm'd her and still no response, wanted to make sure she realizes that this is a pre selected color block, so if anyone sees her ask her. Know someone who wants in tell them about it. I don't know why I'm having trouble with these chicken blocks, we just don't have chicken fabric around here, you would think thats all we have being farm country. I have fabric but wanted to do something really different, oh well just not in the cards I guess.
Ladies, I replied that Yes I'm in and I don't mind the colors/block. I've been planning a green camo quilt for the bedroom so the color scheme is perfect!! I promise not to make your's mossy oak camo, unless you really want it!! ;)

No we are not at 16 yet, still waiting to hear from abbynormal on if she is in, pm'd her and still no response, wanted to make sure she realizes that this is a pre selected color block, so if anyone sees her ask her. Know someone who wants in tell them about it. I don't know why I'm having trouble with these chicken blocks, we just don't have chicken fabric around here, you would think thats all we have being farm country. I have fabric but wanted to do something really different, oh well just not in the cards I guess.

If you check eBay, there are LOTS of chicken fabrics to choose from last time I looked.

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