June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

kat, have you started the next exchange yet?
Marty, I sent you the patterns we discussed several months back. I realized after getting them all copied and stuffed in the envelope that they are patterns for 9" blocks. They use templates but can probably be figured out for strip piecing. I figured out all the templates for a 12" block. Let me know if you want them and I will email them to you.

By the way, the new exchange is:

I received the first of the blocks for this swap they are from Fallon, NV, no screen name but Carolyn sent them. Yeah I'm excited and no I did not open to look. I will wait until I get all the blocks.

Marty I don't know how you didn't get the link to the new swap but we are almost full only 3 spaces left.

Good Morning!

I just wanted to stop in and say I am still working on my blocks. I've got 5 done with all the commotion here in OK: weather, last week of school, and strep throat and torn shoulder tendon. I really don't know how to sit still on the couch and do nothing, which leads me into silly antics on our farm. We were only 1 hour south of the tornadoes this week and we didn't get any rain from the storms that hit Moore. It's devastating. As a third grade teacher, my heart is hurting for the kids and parents in this. I am so proud to be from Oklahoma thought. Just watching the survivors on the news this week has made me proud to hear all of them say they Thank God they are alive and they can replace all the "things" that are gone.

On a lighter note, my class and the Kindergarten class hatched 12 of my eggs this year. I placed them under the broody mama, I call her Milly since she is THE mother hens of hens, and she took all of them. I've spent a lot of time just watching mother nature take it course in the coop. It's amazing!!

Last night I tried to stream line the whole square process by marking my strips of fabric with cutting marks and sewing marks. This was excited the whole thing worked until I checked the pattern and saw it was 4 inch squares, not 3 and 7/8 inch squares. I guess I should have followed my own advice and check the directions before starting!! (Don't tell my 3rd graders!!)

Blessings, Love, and happiness to all of you this week! I can't wait for the end of today to get here: It's our last day of school and then we're on summer break for a few weeks......of course then I'll be busy with farm work. :)

Good Morning!

I just wanted to stop in and say I am still working on my blocks. I've got 5 done with all the commotion here in OK: weather, last week of school, and strep throat and torn shoulder tendon. I really don't know how to sit still on the couch and do nothing, which leads me into silly antics on our farm. We were only 1 hour south of the tornadoes this week and we didn't get any rain from the storms that hit Moore. It's devastating. As a third grade teacher, my heart is hurting for the kids and parents in this. I am so proud to be from Oklahoma thought. Just watching the survivors on the news this week has made me proud to hear all of them say they Thank God they are alive and they can replace all the "things" that are gone.

On a lighter note, my class and the Kindergarten class hatched 12 of my eggs this year. I placed them under the broody mama, I call her Milly since she is THE mother hens of hens, and she took all of them. I've spent a lot of time just watching mother nature take it course in the coop. It's amazing!!

Last night I tried to stream line the whole square process by marking my strips of fabric with cutting marks and sewing marks. This was excited the whole thing worked until I checked the pattern and saw it was 4 inch squares, not 3 and 7/8 inch squares. I guess I should have followed my own advice and check the directions before starting!! (Don't tell my 3rd graders!!)

Blessings, Love, and happiness to all of you this week! I can't wait for the end of today to get here: It's our last day of school and then we're on summer break for a few weeks......of course then I'll be busy with farm work. :)


Abby, I would go ahead and cut them at 4" because, unless I'm mistaken, the 3 7/8" squares are for a "SCANT" 1/4" seam. This means that every time you turn on your sewing machine, you have to remember to move the needle one click to the right and if you forget, your block size will be off. I just cut them at 4" and use a full 1/4" seam. That way I don't have different size seams because I always forget to change my needle position.
Working on my second set of blocks all weekend. I took this picture as I was finishing up the trimming of the half-square triangle blocks (always takes the longest, for me) while watching Bonnie Hunter's QuiltCam (via YouTube) on my iPad mini.

I also found a mistake, when doing final ironing of the first set of blocks. One of these things is not like the other!

That block is now fixed, and I've started sewing the other blocks together.

I should have both sets ready to mail by Tuesday or Wednesday. As soon as I get this done, I have several block of the month sets to catch up on!

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