June 1st Quilt Block Exchange

I haven't received any blocks back for myself or my Sister Moe, in Florida, did you already send them? I have been trying to track the post to see when they were going to be sent back to us, but didn't want to sound too eager.
I haven't received any blocks back for myself or my Sister Moe, in Florida, did you already send them? I have been trying to track the post to see when they were going to be sent back to us, but didn't want to sound too eager.
Nope have not sent them yet, still waiting on some green/white blocks hopefully they will be sent out next week, but will post when I send them,
Well it looks like we will not be getting any blocks from SA I was really looking forward to her blocks so I am waiting on just one set then I will be sending them out.Will post when I send them.
That's too bad. I can say that is it was mailed parcel or "regular" post from there it can take several weeks to arrive. When I worked in International Admissions at the local university students would mail their application by what we call first class mail and it could take up to 2 months for the travel and delivery to them. If she was in a remote place then her post office may not get mail daily, it may on be monthly for deliveries. It's definitely a service that we take for granted in the US since we see our mail officer daily. I'm sure hope she didn't lose a lot of money on the fabric and postage.
While we are waiting for sweet green blocks to arrive and assemble, lets discuss the next step in the quilting! How do you quilt your top, batting, and backing? What is a inexpensive alternative to the $400 wooden quilting frame? I am working on one for my school auction and am close to hand quilting, but I don't know where to start with the hooping. Do you baste with colored thread or safety pin it?
That's too bad. I can say that is it was mailed parcel or "regular" post from there it can take several weeks to arrive. When I worked in International Admissions at the local university students would mail their application by what we call first class mail and it could take up to 2 months for the travel and delivery to them. If she was in a remote place then her post office may not get mail daily, it may on be monthly for deliveries. It's definitely a service that we take for granted in the US since we see our mail officer daily. I'm sure hope she didn't lose a lot of money on the fabric and postage.
She never sent them
While we are waiting for sweet green blocks to arrive and assemble, lets discuss the next step in the quilting! How do you quilt your top, batting, and backing? What is a inexpensive alternative to the $400 wooden quilting frame? I am working on one for my school auction and am close to hand quilting, but I don't know where to start with the hooping. Do you baste with colored thread or safety pin it?
I took my backing and got it as tight as I could, I had to tape it to my floor since my table was not big enough then I put down my batting I used the polyfil stuff you get at Walmart then put on my top and used safety pins and pinned and pinned and pinned. I like the stitch in the ditch or you can do the 1/4 stitch around your shape. There is even the squiggle which will hide a multitude of sins. Can't remember what it is called. Google finishing quilts and the Missouri Quilt Co. has a lot of nice tips and videos on how to finish quilts.

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