June 2010 Towel Swap Sign-ups CLOSED!!!

I'm so happy you like them.
to my swap partners:

I swear I havent forgotten you, I have been super busy with my dads estate and closing all his accounts with the banks and stuff. Not that he had any money, in fact, the bank wrote me a 24 cent check today when I closed his checking account LOL. At any rate, I will be including a bonus in my envelopes to my swap partners since they are having to wait for my slow and busy behind to get to the PO I PROMISE I will have them out by next friday! I PROMISE. Unless something big happens. But I will DO MY BEST to get them out. I have been going through a lot here at the house with getting the ashes squared away and the Memorial run organized for my dad that its just been one thing after another. I havent forgotten you swap buddies, you WILL get your towels, they are ready to mail. Have a great day!
Sorry for your loss and dont sweat the small stuff!

Thanks I appreciate the understanding You know I am normally at the top of my game, but my game was thrown off a wee bit. Hopefully we will be back in the swing of things very very soon.
Thank you Golden luver Beautiful towels! I received them last Wednesday. they are beautiful. BTW mine have not gone out yet .. I will get on that this week

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