June 2020 Hatch Raise along

Well, mine are 4 weeks old now. It's gone so fast! They're outside in the coop and run during the day, but we're still bringing them in at night to sleep in the brooder. I'm worried the fireworks around July 4 will scare them if it's their first week sleeping outside. Our neighborhood can be very enthusiastic about the holiday.

The girls LOVE their Eglu coop. It has grass, clover, bugs, and a LADDER!!!


Buckeye and Australorp.


Dominique, White Rock, and Golden Laced Wyandotte.

The Eglu is working well for now. Our eventual plan is to make an 8'x16' roofed run. We'll "dock" the Eglu tractor/run to the larger run to give the girls more space.

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