June Hatch-A-Long

1 Rouen is determined to beat the calendar. He is externally pipped and hopefully will emerge in the morning. Maybe he will encourage the other 7 to get busy and get out of shell.  Set my last planned hatches for spring/early summer tonight. 32 eggs in coolerbator and 14 under 2 broody hens that are sharing duck eggs. The duck was no longer fertile so I found a hidden clutch tonight and marked them for the broodies to share. The BO is a rock and won't budge. The BA sits 75% of the time, and when she does she steals eggs from BO, who takes em back when BA is off nest.

Anyway unless I get more broody hens this is my last "planned" hatch for now. Come fall I will hopefully have 1-2 males for WLH and RIR which are hatching now. And will be able to winter chicks for started birds come spring.

My other setting due the 6th should be ok until current hatch completes. I can hatch them where they are just prefer to move to my hatchers. Either way will be ALOT more babies soon.

 Heres to hatches going as planned.

The sun is up so I must lay down and get some sleep. It's so hard through, I had 9 chicks hatch in a relatively short time. The chicks were just chirping away. They're working trying to get out of their eggs. I can't wait to see how many hatch. So far, so good!

Soon I'll be overrun by chickens
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Well people say not to open the incubator until they are all don't hatching, but I usually take mine out when they are dry and fluffy
Thanks! So I set part of my eggs on Friday the 23 and the rest on the 24. Since they didn't all start at the same time do I have to lay part of them down the day before the rest? Or can I just lay them all down at the same time? They are in an auto turner. Not sure what to do.
A second duck is hatching. There goes the 1st hatch of June... in May. Oh well. 2 more ducks (At least I hope) is more than I thought I would get this year from my original pair. At least I know I will have some June babies.

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