June Hatch-A-Long

I have a lil one on the way too. No better way to pass the time then incubating eggs. But I did promise this will be my last hatch before baby arrives.

I SHOULD be finishing 1 hatch before, and another just starting after. But I was told to hatch what I wanted.... and the RIR and WLH are wife's birds. So they don't count.... not really.

Setting my last planned brood tonight. But have 2 possibly 3 broodies to fill with eggs, #1 might be adoptive Mama of some of my chicks hatching now. The male BSL maybe.....since the other birds I am planning on tagging and tracking for future breeding purposes.

Grats on the Little one. Our's coming this week. But I was encouraged to have as many animal births as we can so we can prosper from our little farm. Both for family food and ability to add a little cash to the income of the family.

I will be setting tonight for a 6-20 hatch. Good luck to everyone else with eggs in the oven.
I just candled my little set of what is left in my incubator.

I began with 16 BCM, 18 guineas and 8 SBEL. After the madcrashident, I have 8 guinea eggs that seem like they have pretty good movement in them. 1SBEL that is questionable. There are a couple BCM that I am leaving, but I am pretty sure are done. They have hairline cracks but the shells are so dark I am leaving and will check in a couple days. There are a few guineas I left that I do not see movement in that I think were developing, but quit at the madcrashident. I will check those again as well tomorrow and see what I think. I will likely go ahead and pull all but the 8 guinea eggs. I might go ahead and start another hatch right before I leave on my vacation later this summer. I have to move a batch of chicks to a new pen tomorrow and will begin looking at sexing those out and can decide who we are adding to our laying flock and breeding for next years babies.

It is a sad thing that it happened, and I do know that my husband is really sorry, but that doesn't make me any less sad. Hopefully the 8 will make it to hatch and grow out to start a small flock to breed from for next year. I will be happy with any that hatch. even though I prefer to go through the brooding work for a bunch of chicks versus a few, after the rough start this bunch has had, I will have to give this small hatch some special treatment I suppose.
I dropped one of my eggs out of my last batch about a week before they were due to hatch, and it hatched fine. I didn't do anything to it. Just left it be and hoped for the best. Ended up hatching out a cute barnyard bantam.
On my way home from work.. I should really set eggs to hatch on my days off!! Can't wait to get home and see if there are any chickies in my incubator!
Hi I'm just joining in. I had 42 eggs set and just candled a couple days ago and only had to take out 4!!! My best yet! 3 were duds and one had died early. I have quite a mix in there I can't wait till hatch day June 6 & 7. I have cuckoo and buff polish frizzles, silkies, show girls, buff orps, and some sexlinks.... They are gonna look so weird running around the yard I can't wait! So impatient I want to candle them everyday. It's like Christmas but even better!
SEVEN chicks hatched while I was at work tonight!! WOOHOO!! And 7 or 8 more have pipped! I quickly took the 6 dry chicks out of the incubator. One was newly hatched so I left it in to dry off.


Of course, Mama Skye (my Border Collie) is laying next to the brooder, looking over her new set of babies. LOVE IT!!
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Hi I'm just joining in. I had 42 eggs set and just candled a couple days ago and only had to take out 4!!! My best yet! 3 were duds and one had died early. I have quite a mix in there I can't wait till hatch day June 6 & 7. I have cuckoo and buff polish frizzles, silkies, show girls, buff orps, and some sexlinks.... They are gonna look so weird running around the yard I can't wait! So impatient I want to candle them everyday. It's like Christmas but even better!

Welcome and happy hatching!!
1 Rouen is determined to beat the calendar. He is externally pipped and hopefully will emerge in the morning. Maybe he will encourage the other 7 to get busy and get out of shell. Set my last planned hatches for spring/early summer tonight. 32 eggs in coolerbator and 14 under 2 broody hens that are sharing duck eggs. The duck was no longer fertile so I found a hidden clutch tonight and marked them for the broodies to share. The BO is a rock and won't budge. The BA sits 75% of the time, and when she does she steals eggs from BO, who takes em back when BA is off nest.

Anyway unless I get more broody hens this is my last "planned" hatch for now. Come fall I will hopefully have 1-2 males for WLH and RIR which are hatching now. And will be able to winter chicks for started birds come spring.

My other setting due the 6th should be ok until current hatch completes. I can hatch them where they are just prefer to move to my hatchers. Either way will be ALOT more babies soon.

Heres to hatches going as planned.

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