June Hatch-A-Long

Hopefully things will turn out ok and you'll end up with a better than expected hatch, Mypeeps.
I've had successful hatches with lower temps before (they just take a bit longer to incubate and so lock down is post-poned a couple of days), and I'd much rather have lower temps than to have them cook (which happened earlier this year).
Good luck!

So it looks like too many of my eggs made it to lockdown. The only way to leave enough room between the eggs so they can hatch is to take my thermometer/hydrometer out of the incubator. I'm not really worried about the temp since it has been perfect since day 1 but I'm going to have to wing it on humidity. I am going to candle once more tonight before lockdown begins. I hate to say it but I'm kinda hoping that I'll have to remove a few eggs.
So it looks like too many of my eggs made it to lockdown. The only way to leave enough room between the eggs so they can hatch is to take my thermometer/hydrometer out of the incubator. I'm not really worried about the temp since it has been perfect since day 1 but I'm going to have to wing it on humidity. I am going to candle once more tonight before lockdown begins. I hate to say it but I'm kinda hoping that I'll have to remove a few eggs.
had that happen my first hatch. So I stuck the thermometer module thing under some of the eggs and as some would hatch I would take out the shells to leave enough room for everyone
Today is lock down for me. I have to wait until I get home to candle and remove the clears.  I checked them a couple of days ago and from what I could see out of 35 eggs there is about 16 eggs that have babies. (I know my hatch rate isn't that great.) Since this is my first time hatching/incubating if for some reason they don't hatch what should I do to see what went wrong?

 I am so excited I could almost wet myself!  I am hoping that at least one will hatch! 

I just locked down 14 eggs out of 35. The 21 I removed were all clears. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the other 14 hatch.
Candled tonight and removed anything that was questionable. I still have over 30 eggs going into lockdown. I took out the thermometer to give the eggs more space. I really hope they have enough room to hatch.
I have an early hello from my Rouen eggs. 2 days early but hoping some of these hatch since they are my last fertile duck eggs.

I will be setting 1 more batch tomorrow. 22 BSL 3 A-W x WLH, 6 MP. Will take a break for a short while because of a lot of jobs need be done and done soon. And new coming baby is coming earlier than we predicted. So I need make time for the lil one, and Mom.
May I join in? I have 18 shipped Tolbunt Polish eggs going in the incubator when I get home from work today. None of my own this time, maybe I should quick grab some from the coop to fill it up.
Yay how eggciting. I wish I had those Polish. I would fill up the bator with your eggs too. I heard that helps stabilize temps, etc. I added 20 quail to mine since they were super cheap ($5!). Good luck
I'm adding 6 from my eggers. 3 blue eggs and 3 olive green. Should be funky looking chicks, the roo is a SL Polish. I'm hoping for crests, beards and muffs.

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