June Hatch-A-Long

Hi All,
  The school hatch didn't go so well.  Only 4 of 28 Ameracauna eggs hatched.  I am not sure what happened but I think the turner was left on until Day 20...would that have caused the low hatch rate?   At least it is a great educational tool for the kids!
turning the eggs on day 20 can keep the chick's from getting into their hatch position. Better to stop turning on day 16 or 17 then to keep turning after day 18...As in it is less detrimental to stop turning them early than it is to stop late...
By the end of the cycle the odds of the chick's becoming deformed due to not being turned is not going to happen.
Everyone's eggs are hatching and it so exciting!!! I put 42 eggs in the hovabator then on day 10 I removed 4 then last night I candled and started lockdown! Had to remove 3 quitters... so sad.

When I candled last night some of my eggs seemed like they were less developed than they should be... They are bantam eggs and I've never hatch bantams so I'm not sure if this is normal. The eggs weren't quite 2/3 full of chick then air and clear space... But the chicks were moving inside. Is this normal for day 18? Will they hatch late?

YIKES!!!! Last night I was worried about them being under developed and I just got home from work and found 2 pipped! I'm worried they are too early! These eggs aren't supposed to hatch till Friday! Please give me some advice

bantam eggs hatch earlier. You will usually see any smaller eggs go first. A chicken will not hatch itself early. No worries. My eggs always hatch on day 20. There might be one or 2 left Til the morning of the of the 21st, but more often all are done on day 20. Have had a few hatch on day 19. Then again by day 16 or so I've already started forgetting to turn them, so it all works out. Lol
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Day 5 over here. I'm impatiently waiting until the 7th day for the first candling. 18 are shipped eggs, 6 are mine. One of the shipped had hairline cracks, I did attempt to fix it, we'll see how well I did.
Day 5 over here.  I'm impatiently waiting until the 7th day for the first candling.  18 are shipped eggs, 6 are mine.  One of the shipped had hairline cracks, I did attempt to fix it, we'll see how well I did.

I am dying to look inside too. I think I'm on day 6. I set my eggs Thursday morning, May 29th. What day did you set yours?
I set mine on Friday at 6pm. We'll be hatching pretty close together. I may have to candle one tonight, just to satisfy my curiosity.
Ok thanks missnu01 makes me feel better to know that is not abnormal. When I candled when I removed the turner last night it seemed that the chicks were small for 18 days but then again this is my first time with bantam eggs.
I usually candle on day 3. You can see veins then. I just don't remove any that are suspect until day 10 or so. When I candle I put a check mark on the ones I know are good and a question on the ones that are questionable. Sometimes the ? Turn into checks and sometimes the checks turn into ?. But that's my system. Lol
All of my 10 hatched today and its only day 19!!

I now have 2 sizzles, one silkie splash, 6 EEs, 1 OE

Will post pics when they fluff up a bit :)
We have 9 ohio buckeye eggs on day 14 in incubator. This is the first time we have hatched. Do you decrease the temp at lockdown or keep it at 100F? I candled tonight and had movement in all of them!

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