June Hatch-A-Long

We have 9 ohio buckeye eggs on day 14 in incubator. This is the first time we have hatched. Do you decrease the temp at lockdown or keep it at 100F? I candled tonight and had movement in all of them!
my brinsea stays at 102 then on day 18 drops to 99. So I'm guessinga slight decrease in temp at lock down is a good idea, because the folks at brinsea really know what they are doing
17 mixed eggs from my flock going into lockdown tomorrow, but I'm going to go ahead and lay them down tonight. Getting ready to do my pre lockdown candling.
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Just candled my shipped turkey eggs, and all but one have a little red splotch surrounded by veins! After a total failed attempt last month with my first attempt at hatching shipped eggs (most were clear, the others developed blood rings by the 2nd week), I'm on pins and needles with this one. It's been a bit expensive, but I'm determined.
And if even a third of them hatch out of this batch, I'll have come out in the black.
Just candled my shipped turkey eggs, and all but one have a little red splotch surrounded by veins!  After a total failed attempt last month with my first attempt at hatching shipped eggs (most were clear, the others developed blood rings by the 2nd week), I'm on pins and needles with this one. It's been a bit expensive, but I'm determined. :)   And if even a third of them hatch out of this batch, I'll have come out in the black.  :fl   
hopefully they make it for you.
Hi guys!

This morning is day 22 and after a lot of chirping and pecking sounds which started yesterday, i woke up this morning to my eggs hatching! Well, when i woke up at first at about 5am there was still no visable pips and i went to lay down again (i'v got them in my bedroom) 10 minuets later i heard a crack and i went to see and one of the had pipped and i could see it's beak tweeting through the hole and another 3 had cracks on their shells. I think all of them are trying to hatch. And the ones that are pipping were the ones that weren't wobbling much! Another 10 minuets later and the first one that pipped had started unzipping. By 6:30 it was out! And now another had pipped through and i can see it starting to unzip too! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!

I'll keep you updated!!
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Hooray. I just put my 17 into lockdown a few minutes ago but have already heard faint peeping coming from them. So not too much longer now. Early for peeping though since day 18 won't actually be until tomorrow morning at 8ish. But oh well..
Hooray. I just put my 17 into lockdown a few minutes ago but have already heard faint peeping coming from them. So not too much longer now. Early for peeping though since day 18 won't actually be until tomorrow morning at 8ish. But oh well..
Good luck for your hatch!

I'v now got a second that's almost out!

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