Just acquired 4 new chicks


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 23, 2014
So, I've been raising chickens for a while but, I've always received my birds at 16-20weeks old. A friend of mine whos dad owns a feed store offered me 2 Barred Rock and 2 RIR chicks that he states to be 6-7weeks old (of which that looks to be accurate). it appears that they've just finished feathering out. They were apparently ordered by someone who didn't pick them up. He claims that they're all females that were sexed at the hatchery prior to his purchasing them....??

I've raised (my previous game hens raised... years ago) many, many chicks without any help from me what-so-ever. These 4 are still rather small chicks and, I know I can't put them in with the flock until later. My question is, should I keep them under a heat lamp for now? What's the appropriate age to have them in a coop of their own (that's not a broader). Its beginning to get a nip in the air at night, and probably not the best time of year to have young chicks... But I'm not about to turn down free female BR's and the RIR's are just icing on the cake (i really like the heritage breeds).

Any advice would be very much appreciated.
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If they're 6-7 weeks old, they shouldn't need a heat lamp at all. You can put them in a coop of their own, just be sure the older birds don't have any kind of access to them. If they have a run, be sure it's secure so hawks etc. can't get to them. Meaning be sure it's covered, as well as secure on the sides and so nothing can dig under. I usually integrate my younger birds with the adult ones when they're about 16 weeks old. Of course, that could be delayed if they're not the same size at that age.
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Thanks.... Yes, the coop/run will be separate but adjacent to the older birds. I just wasn't sure about the weather turning cold with them being so young. But they'll have plenty of bedding.

Thanks again
Where are you? What's the temp there? If you pick your birds up, you'll feel how hot they run, so a mild temp shouldn't be a problem.
Forgot to add that that's a good idea to have it adjacent to the older ones. That way, they are all getting used to each other. That will make combining them easier.
Where are you? What's the temp there? If you pick your birds up, you'll feel how hot they run, so a mild temp shouldn't be a problem.

Virginia... It doesn't get terribly cold for long periods, but can and does get in the teens or lower (at times) for a week or two. BR's and RIR's are fairly cold hearty... Its primarily they're age and the cooler temps at night (currently in the 40's but going down), that concerns me.
Wow, send some of that cool weather down here.
You could put a heat lamp on one side of your brooder at night and just be sure they have enough room to move away from it if they get too warm. That way they have a choice.
So, my coop for these little ones is pretty close (right next to the other chickens pen), should I have them separated further away initially to avoid any potential infections or disease? Would you recommend medicated starter-grower?

Many thanks
If you can move the coop farther away, I would. At least for about a month. That way, if any of these new ones are sick, they won't infect your existing flock. As far as medicated feed, I've never fed it to my chicks because I have them vaccinated. Maybe someone else can chime in on that one.

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