Just can't tell - roo?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Durango, CO
Hey all -

Another newbie here, trying to figure out this rooster/hen business. Already have one unexpected and can't have two, so I might have to make a choice. Hmmmm.

Got all of these from the same guy, no idea on breed for the black rooster. The others are supposed to be Buff Orpingtons, some mutt genes are in there for sure. Got two buffs that are the main issue.

Lets call this one chicken A:

butt shot - chicken A:

This one is chicken B:

butt shot - chicken B:

Also my first rooster who probably needs a home:

Handsome "cheeks" - any ideas what he might be made of?

My husband will be glad when I can quit worrying this. Oh - and they are almost 4 months old.

Kinda hard to tell with the thumbnails, but I'm sure you BYC'ers can help me out. You all are awesome!
Can't help...too new at this.
But, you can click on the thumbnails to enlarge them.

Good Luck!

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