Just checked out the election results...

Wow... I can taste the negativity ... Is that healthy for America? Please do remember the vast majority of AMERICANS both sides of the isle (and the libs,greens, socialist and independents) ALL want only one thing!!!!
A Strong Healthy country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do not ill will any one that may have an opinion that varies from yours.

This is what bothers me the most deeply about the tea party. Hate and fear mongering..

Business is not the answer.
Government is not the answer.
That is why the system was set up to balance the two. We gave up that balance and both have suffered for it.

"Waving American flags" and a patriotic smile from me...

Yes your federal taxes have gone down. All the State and local taxes and fees have gone up, but that's not Obama's doing. You haven't lost any liberties either. If you think you have please name them.

As usual agreed...
Please name them...folks!

After all it is Liberty first in..............

the progressives are the ones that want americans to live like third world countries. except for the ruling elite progressives. as far as parties, there are still 2 but the rino republicans are finished. the tea party is just getting started. the majority rules and we are the majority.
Bamboozled just might not be the right word.

Apathy is more like it.

For the most part Joe Public simply has no knowledge of how their
goverment operates. Turn a blind eye to the issues. Now America is
in a problem without an easy answer.

I've said for years that to be allowed to vote, a person should be required
to pass an IQ test about the issues.

How many of us can actually name our state senators? Or their voting record?
Ohio, mine are Sherrod Brown (D) and George Voinovich (R). And I take the time
to check the Senate records. I have their address on file, and I know how to voice
my opinion.
virginia's senators; mark warner and jim webb, both dems and both should start looking for a new job. i agree an iq test would be good, also proof of citizenship, and a w-2 form showing that you payed taxes for the year prior to the election. my congressman was perriello (d) but lost big time to conservative republican hurt(r).
Um, no. The "Tea Party" is not the majority. They are a very vocal minority.

And regardless, this country is set up to avoid the 'majority rule'. We have the government we do to try and balance the rule of the majority with the rights, needs, and desires of the minority wherever possible.

Now, can you name one other First World country that's run the way you think a country should be run?
At this point in time the Tea Party represents about 5% of America. They are very disorganized. They are really only lead by corporate CEO's. That's where their money comes from. That's who pays Sarah Palin. To me it shows what bad shape the 2 party system is in. Some of the people that ran this time weren't qualified to work at a Mcdonalds drive through. Without all the out of state contributions they would have never made it on the ballot. I used to say I would vote for Ronald McDonald before I voted for Bush. Well the tables have turned and people are so dissatisfied with existing Republicans that they are voting for Ronald McDonald. Thirty of the dems that lost their seats were in districts that have always been heavily red. The only reason they got elected in 08 was a desperate public. You'll see the same thing in 2 years. I don't think the dems will get those 30 seats back, but I think you'll see actual Republicans winning the primaries. I'm looking forward to watching the Republican primaries in 2012. Should be quite a show.

Good luck to all of us.
Um, no. The "Tea Party" is not the majority. They are a very vocal minority.

And regardless, this country is set up to avoid the 'majority rule'. We have the government we do to try and balance the rule of the majority with the rights, needs, and desires of the minority wherever possible.

Now, can you name one other First World country that's run the way you think a country should be run?

The exit pole 4 out of 10 voter said they supported the tea party movement..........60 min
sarah palin is not the leader for the tea party. she is unelectable. was thinking more about ron paul to run against obama in 2012. should be a landslide of ronald reagan proportions. when you mentioned ronald mcdonald was that code for obama the clown? 4 out of ten? that makes it at least 40%. i would say its closer to 65% if you add in the libertarians.
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liberties lost:
the ability to carry my firearm were I want to
the ability to speak my opinion without the fear of being charged with with a hate crime or labeled a certain way
(soon) the ability to make make own healthcare decisions only with my doctor
and my excess purchasing power being vaporized by taxes, fees, and other "revenue enhancing" actions

Please don't demonize and insult TeaPartiers and some of their supporters and candidates. Over the course of this country's history, many parties have come and gone or morphed into something different. This is part of the vitality of the American way. The JFK democrats would pass for Republicans today.

I know all mine, also their address....same as your . Voinovich is leaving on his own....

Your are so right , look how many think the President control all....
Its congress making the big change.

Heck alot of the public don't even know who the Vice President is.

Hope this year lot have learn , fired alot of those in congress...that where we need to put the Blame not The President.

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