Just checked out the election results...

"the ability to carry my firearm were I want to"
Can you point to the exact law that's been passed since Obama took office? I don't keep up on gun control laws like I should.

"the ability to speak my opinion without the fear of being charged with with a hate crime or labeled a certain way"
Yeah, no. I actually like this one. You have the right to freedom of speech-up to a point. You don't get to stand on a corner and yell insults at someone, sorry. And is this something else that passed recently while Obama's been in office? Again, can you point to a specific law or act?

"(soon) the ability to make make own healthcare decisions only with my doctor"
Does anything in the health care bill prohibit this? If you have insurance, then the decisions are already being made between you, your doctor, and your insurance company.

"and my excess purchasing power being vaporized by taxes, fees, and other "revenue enhancing" actions"
How much have your taxes gone up in the last two years, exactly?
I know all mine, also their address....same as your . Voinovich is leaving on his own....

Your are so right , look how many think the President control all....
Its congress making the big change.

Heck alot of the public don't even know who the Vice President is.

Hope this year lot have learn , fired alot of those in congress...that where we need to put the Blame not The President.

Good one!
No I suspect not!

We shall see in two years..
I am happy to eat my crow if I am wrong.. Are you happy to eat your crow if you are wrong.?
Here is my prediction:
The tea party fails miserably and they just end up hurting the moderate republican party, causing loses in 12. It is a two party system we live in.. 50% red 50% blue.. It is the couple percentage points that push things one way or another... The tea party is not moderate or in the middle by any means... IMO political reality is what it is in our country..

Please remember to eat your crow if you are wrong.. I for sure will, I will eat mine in a pie....
(I am one who is highly agitated by the amnesia that seems to inflict the voting public in this country, on who is to blame for what.)

I am, the business plan is simple, stop the wasteful spending. There its done, now lets see if the giveaway party can follow it.

They just took the House so here is their chance.

May I remind you that our deficit has ran from $850billion at the end of Bushs term to over $3.5Trillion under the first 2 years of a democrate congress and president. Remember, the republicans are being called the party of NO because they didnt go along with all this big spending. Also look up the significance of the date March 1999, the last year of Clintons term, as it pertains to our economy. Then you will truely know which president was in office when our bubble burst. It might not have been a real big bang, but it certainly was looseing a lot of air. Also think back to who was in charge of FannyMae before the mortage boondoggle. Barny is a Democrate I believe. One other thing to consider is the whole WMD and Irag. WMD's where the premise for the invasion and removal of Hussien, but no wMDs where found. The intellegence that was provided to Bush stateing Irag had WMD's came thur our foreign intellegence which at that time was headed up by none other that John Kerry, another Democrate.

Heres some more reading for you,

Good one!
No I suspect not!

We shall see in two years..
I am happy to eat my crow if I am wrong.. Are you happy to eat your crow if you are wrong.?
Here is my prediction:
The tea party fails miserably and they just end up hurting the moderate republican party, causing loses in 12. It is a two party system we live in.. 50% red 50% blue.. It is the couple percentage points that push things one way or another... The tea party is not moderate or in the middle by any means... IMO political reality is what it is in our country..

Please remember to eat your crow if you are wrong.. I for sure will, I will eat mine in a pie....
(I am one who is highly agitated by the amnesia that seems to inflict the voting public in this country, on who is to blame for what.)


i am not going to be sitting around waiting to eat crow. we have a country to save for our kids and grandkids. the tea party is the solution. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
I have to agree: It is not the Tea Party, Republician Party nor the Democratic Party
that has either all the correct answers or does carry all the fault. No one party, no
one person.

That is why I feel it so important that the voting public be informed of the issues,
know how the issues will play out. History gives us the decisions of our past Presidents.

President Obama won an election that was based not as McCain as much as it was based
on George W. Bush and the Republician Party. How many people do you think voted Obama,
not because they believed in him, but were simply voting AGAINST the eight years of George
W. Bush? We were in two wars. Bush gets the credit for this recession. His fault or not, he gets
the blame.

People wanted that hopey-changey thing Obama promised.

Is that hopey-changey thing working for you? Not working so well on my end.

And when the 2012 elections get here....it will be just as wrong to vote against Obama as it
was to vote against Bush.

We need to educate ourself on who to vote FOR. And why.

I don't care what political party you are, or claim to be. And I'm not trying to tell you to vote
my way. Vote your way : But see your path. Understand what you're voting for.
They just took the House so here is their chance.

May I remind you that our deficit has ran from $850billion at the end of Bushs term to over $3.5Trillion under the first 2 years of a democrate congress and president. Remember, the republicans are being called the party of NO because they didnt go along with all this big spending. Also look up the significance of the date March 1999, the last year of Clintons term, as it pertains to our economy. Then you will truely know which president was in office when our bubble burst. It might not have been a real big bang, but it certainly was looseing a lot of air. Also think back to who was in charge of FannyMae before the mortage boondoggle. Barny is a Democrate I believe. One other thing to consider is the whole WMD and Irag. WMD's where the premise for the invasion and removal of Hussien, but no wMDs where found. The intellegence that was provided to Bush stateing Irag had WMD's came thur our foreign intellegence which at that time was headed up by none other that John Kerry, another Democrate.

Heres some more reading for you,

850 billion from Bush, you conveniently forgot the 780 billion bailout of his buddies on Wall Street. 3.7 Trillion? that includes the bailout and unspent money from the stimulus. Barney is an Independent by the way. The party of NO was taking advantage of their minority position and subsequent lack of responsibility to keep the economy in the tank. Hopefully that will change. If they can do something in the next 2 years it will make me happy. I care more about the country than I do about who is in charge.
I haven't gotten an answer for this yet, so I asked a few people smarter than myself. I wanted to see if anyone could come up with first world countries running on ideals similar to the Tea Party. I was having trouble, so I asked a couple of my Smart Friends. Here's what we've come up with so far:

Saudi Arabia

Anyone care to add to the list?
Sorry spook. Got to disagree with you on one thing. Some people have to be voted against. In 2008 Obama looked pretty good and I voted for him. After the election when he actually had a majority in the Senate and the House I had some hope. That hope has been gone for a while. In 2012 I will be voting against whatever the party of NO puts out there. I know what happens when a Republican is in charge and I don't want any part of it. I wish someone from another party would come along and actually be electable. I hate to hold my nose when I vote. I realize that all the issues that draw voters to the polls are just red herrings. Gay marriage, abortion and stuff like that won't change but when they put them on the ballot it sure brings out the party behind it. While they are there voting against people being able to live like everyone else does they pull the lever for the guy running for office.

Who wins in 2012 will depend on how long the unemployment lines are.

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