Just got back from a visit to the ER

You just don't look RIGHT without a toothy thing in your hands.

(dang, pm me the doc's number - I need someone to tell me to SLEEP as much as possible)

(PS: Any mods here? Lee needs a new title - I vote for CAPTAIN JACK!)
Rooster Red I thought of you yesterday. I have a Polish hen who is sweet, cute, curious, and loves to jump on my shoulder. She's 4 months old. I should have learned this by now, cause it's happened a few times. She was on my shoulder and I turned to smile at her, and she pecked my tooth! I just can't smile at her!
Sorry Red, but I can't help laughing at your picture.

"Arrr! Ye scurvy poultry better be towin' the line, else ye be table fare! Arrr!"


Hope you recover FAST!

Sooooo sorry Lee. I hope you have no permanent eye damage as a result. They will also snatch a shiny earring out in a flash and tear your earlobe...guess they just can't help themselves but yes, be careful folks. I am cautious about having my puppy too close to them too for the eye pecking reason....again so sorry this happened to you Lee..seems every picture I have seen of you has that chicken perched on your shoulder!!
Went to the eye Doc today, he says my eye has healed about 60 percent, I'm now free of the patch and that he may release me to drive by my Monday visit. He also thinks there will be no permanent damage.

At least I can now stand to open my eye, though I have a real tough time focusing.

I'm fighting a minor infection now, but expected that since I'm diabetic.

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