Just got back from a visit to the ER

Owwie, owwie, youch! Lightning speed would be the description you need.. Sorry for the pain (have that T-shirt!) and hope your vision is safe. Glad to know you got to the doc in good order and feather-head is also in good order.
So sorry to hear of your injury. I wear glasses so I don't have to worry as much.
I've had my lip pecked before and that was painful enough. Ladies - be care of shiny ear rings, my Delawares & Barrred Rocks LOVE mine a lot. Ouch!
oh i got a eye story Dh hunts, alot, I had asked him to do something and he went hunting instead, on the way to his stand he gets slapped eye by a branch 5mins later they swell shut and I get a call to pick him and take him to ER turn out the branch was poison ivy , Dh couldn't go hunting for 2weeks

he should have stay home,
but did he learn, nope!
now there's a knee story

sorry about your eye i think that everyones fear with cuddle time
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DH had a corneal abrasion from our dog accidentally scratching his eye a few years ago. It flares up occasionally. Now he needs surgery to correct it. He had all of the proper treatment at the time, but there is still a problem. A condition called recurrent corneal erosion can happen. It can happen months or years after the initial injury. Ask your doctor about it, and how to be proactive in treatment and prevention. DH says that the RCE flare ups are more painful than the initial scratch. We have had 2 vacations spoiled because of flare ups.
this is what I was thinking also.

I'm sure it's painful! OUCH!!!! Hope it heals up fast, and really glad you arent treating your chore "helper" any different
OW Rooster Red! I have had a few try that, but unsuccessfully.

I too had a nasty incident this week, but I did not have to
go to the ER. My 7 month old RIR rooster Rose was under attack in the
chicken coop when I walked in on Tuesday am. I turned
and closed the door and as I turned back around to get
Rusty off of him, Rose was flying through the air, coming to
me to get away from Rusty. Needless to say, I think he
was aiming for my head because I got raked down the face and it just missed my eye!

When I pulled myself together, I had a huge rooster sitting on my arm. shaking.
Poor guy was terrified and had no clue what he did. He still sees himself as a baby.

The sad thing is that I was taking a Duck and a D'uccle to a
local preschool this am. (and I did) They were learning
about the letter "D" this month. SO here I go with a huge
scratch on my face... oh well.. I was able to talk about
chicken safety while there too!


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