Just got my first order of chicks from McMurray, they arrived late and DEAD


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 28, 2011
Central Kentucky
I just got my first order of chicks. How eager I was to get them. When they did not arrive when they said they would I called McMurray.
They said they had a problem with the delivery to Kentucky. I told them that it had been so ling they would arrive dead. They said they would send out another batch. They should have called as soon as they noticed the problem, after all the order is scanned at every stop along the way.
I'll give them one more try. Anyone had problems with McMurray Hatchery?
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How about you be a bit more considerate of peoples feelings??

Not everyone has the option of running down to the store and picking up every breed of chicken they want from 'chickens R us' or what not. Like many people I also looked locally and discovered that they locally available chickens were not the breeds or quality that I was looking for. While there are risks in shipping, there are equally as many risks when buying locally. My neighbor told me that she purchased a hen from a local feed store only to bring home a nasty disease that swept through her flock and resulted in her loosing most of her flock before she got it under control. No matter what you do there will be risks!
Its always a gamble this time of year to get chicks. You just don't know what the weather is going to do from one day to the next and then if they get held up too well. So sorry for the loss. I have always had good luck with McMurry.
I received chicks from McMurray and all arrived alive, we did lose a few in the first few days, which I think is normal..since it is so stressful when they are shipped especially this time of year. Don't give up on McMurray they have a very good record on shipping, sometimes things just happen during shipping...the Postal system is not without flaws. You are most likely closer to McMurray than I am (we are in WA) and we had no trouble getting our order in just 2 days ...they were shipped on a Saturday and we received them on Monday. It's so sad to get all dead chicks, I hope your next order will be better....Good Luck!
Sorry about your chicks. I ordered from McMurray last year, and their chicks were great. Didn't loose a single one. My order came at the end of April though. The chicks I ordered this year (from Ideal) are all doing great as well. I got them about 2 weeks ago, and was very lucky we had some unseasonably warm weather during that time. Weather is just crazy this time of year. I hope your next shipment gets to you alright!
Oh That is awful! I have been happy with mcmurray over the last six years, though. Sounds like the post office might have screwed up in your case... I hope the three survivors hang in and you get some healthy replacements.
That's so sad!
I've never ordered from a hatchery before.....but I've thought of it many times. I hope your next order will go well.

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