Just got the new flock from the auction!


13 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Dunlap Illinois
Got back from vacation this afternoon - ran straight to the auction & bought a new flock of birds (fox ate my last group last fall).

there are 13 - 1 year old hens - large black & white (barred rocks??) They are crazy calm - during the auction with the sun & noise they let me pet & hold them - they were the most calm of all the hens at the auction.

I scored 2 black copper maran roosters - need to find a hen

I acciddentily bought two fluffy white cochens - never scratch your nose at an auction!

& finally - I got 10 guinea chicks - I would like 1 or 2 adult guinea's so help keep watch over the flock.

I got the main flock settled in the coop - will be building the nesting boxes tomorrow.

The chicks were tossed in the incubator - hatcher for the night !

Can't wait to get started in the morning.
love it Ill never forget my grandad at one auction somehow he managed to bid for some cows at like £3000 each and he was screaming so he put a pin on a chair someone was about to sit on and he sat on it and jumped up and won the bid my grandad was dead chuffed!

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