Just got these from an auction today, breed?


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2016
I just got five of these same breed chicks from our local farm auction today. One was really picked at so they went very cheap. I am going to look them over for mites also. But I am unsure of the breed or the age, or if they're all hens! My guesstimate on age would be 6 weeks but I'm not sure. They look a lot like my bantam cochins in the face, but they are bigger than them and do not have feet feathers.

Hi there,

It seems that all of your chickens except one are Australops. They are a great breed, I can not tell you what breed that on is with the brown feathers.

Hope this helped.
They could be feather picking because of a lack of protein in what they've been fed. I'd treat them to cooked eggs and a bit of cooked meat to up their protein intake and hopefully that will all stop. It'll help them grow back those feathers even if that's not the case.
I checked them for mites today, none seen. Yay! So they need some more protein. I mixed broiler feed in with the chick starter, we'll see how that helps out. And I'll take EE's in the mix. I love them. We have four of them. Beautiful birds. I'm happy they are australorps. Good egg layers.

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