Just had my rooster butchered. Now what can I expect from the hens?


11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
I just brought my last rooster, Blackie, to the butcher. Let's just say we will be having Blackie-pot-pie tonight for dinner.

I now have four RIR (I think) hens that are 8 months old.

My question is: What can I expect in terms of picking and establishing the new pecking order in the flock, now that our rooster is gone?

~Now, a picture of Blackie the rooster with Apple the hen.~

As you expect, you can expect that they will establish a new pecking order. As this induces stress, don't be surprised at a drop in egg production until this is sorted out.
The hen in you pictiure has a pea comb-she's not a Rhode Island Red. If other than that she looks like a Red she's probably a Buckeye.
She's still sort of a pullet. I don't think that I took a good picture because I don't see a peacomb AT ALL. Maybe I'll post a better picture of her when I get a chance...

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