Just had to cull one. :(

I'm sorry
I've only had to cull one bird before, and I started crying after I did it. I could have asked my dad to do it, but I figured I should get used to it, since I'm sure something would come up again
It really does feel horrible! So I know just how you feel.
You did the right thing and also found a weak spot in your pred-proofing. Concentrate on fixing that and not what can't be changed. I've been hunting and fishing since i could walk(about 50 yrs). It still hurts when i have to cull a chick. Thank goodness i've only had to do it twice. Our thoughts will be with you today. Good Luck
I think it was a cat that went feral.
People "dump" unwanted animals around here all the time. I have a live animal trap set, but I don't think it will help tonight, because it's raining pretty hard. And yes, I have 28 other babies, well actually they are a bit older than babies now, 4 months old, except for the bantys ; they hatched out on Mother's day. The man that gave me the eggs for the bantys has promised me some more in about a week's time. And I have some Mottled Houdans that are ordered and they should be coming in this month.
I f I could have caught the animal that did this, I would have.....I don't know. Killed it maybe, or at least hauled it away to the humane society. But now I'm afraid to let my ducklings go outside. I only have the two of them and I don't want to lose them! Plus, I don't have the duckhouse built yet. Not sure if they would do well in the coop with the chickens.

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