Just lost a Yearling hen baby!


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
I am really feeling down, one my yearling girl babies just got spooked and flew into our sliding patio door! She just started coughing up blood immediately and died in my arms!

So sorry!

I am so
sorry this happened to her, such a sad thing, the only thing i can say good about it is you know how she died and are not left wondering what happen to her, that is the only thing that could be worse
Aww poor baby
Is there a way you could get a few of those cling stickers for glass to put on there temporarily so that hopefully this won't happen again? I always get so worried when they spook and take of flying at full force.
I am really feeling down, one my yearling girl babies just got spooked and flew into our sliding patio door! She just started coughing up blood immediately and died in my arms!


I am so sorry to hear that.
If not window clings just get your bar of soap and draw a few lines or squiggles or a mural or anything on the outside glass. We did this for a slow-witted dog and he stopped head butting the door. Of all the things we have to worry about with the free rangers that was not one I would have thought of, but I cannot let Poppie loose right now as I have a slider and 2 sets of French doors and he will batter himself bloody trying to chase that reflection away.
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I am really feeling down, one my yearling girl babies just got spooked and flew into our sliding patio door! She just started coughing up blood immediately and died in my arms!


God I hate that! My sweet little Peanellipea that I had such high hopes for, a Spaulding Purple Black Shoulder hen died in my arms. I was SO bummed I couldn't bring myself to even come to this site or post about it for almost a week. Some birds will always be special to us and will always leave a hollow place in our hearts when they pass on.

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