Just ordered my new chicks for May 30th!!!

One. Week.
I can hardly wait! Almost time to start warming up the brooder!

One. Week.
I can hardly wait! Almost time to start warming up the brooder!


They will be here before you know it! I can't wait for you. They keep me busy. I lost four within 48 hours
But I guess that happens sometimes. Post pics when you get them.

I started planting my garden today; hopefully it'll be done by the time they get here. I can't believe how quickly time flew by!

I planted my little garden. I mostly did my flower garden because it's just my hubby and I. I get my EE's on the 30th can't wait. I wonder how the others will take to them? Post pic's.
Here's pics at 1 week four days old, having a snack

Here's a Jersey on top of the feeder

Awwwww, now I really can't wait!!!

Sometimes I wish my garden was small (like now) but it's at least 1200sq ft but its nice when I have fresh/frozen produce all winter long
Kimmie, your babies are so cute! Love the picture of the chick on top of the feeder.
Though I don't think it's a Jersey.

Not long now!

Just put the legs back on our brooder (it's a raised box-type thing) and wiped it down today. It's hard to believe it's been two years since I've had chicks in it. Sniff. But soon it'll be full of cheeping fluffies!
I think the lamp reflector may have gotten a bit banged around in storage though...might need to replace that. Still have to put down paper towels and divide off the end so it's not too big for when they first get here.
I can hardly wait!!!
Last time I order from a feed store! All they had were my cornish x no EE or Jersey Giants. The only reason I got the CX was to fulfill the minimum 25 chick order ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I am soooo madddddd now I have 25 CX I didn't really want in the first place

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