Just ordered my new chicks for May 30th!!!

Well, I drove the hour and came home with more chicks
I got DH's 5 jersey giants, 4 EE- 1 dark brown, 2 medium brown and 1 white, and 1 silver laced wyandotte (I couldn't resist). And, I almost came home with a couple seabrights but common sense finally kicked in lol but they were soooooo pretty!!!!

Stupid chicken math!!!!!!!

I am now the proud owner of:
12 week old: 3 buff orps - which are surprisingly evil little birds
3 reds - probably production reds
11 barred rocks - 3 cockerels
2 week old: 1 silver laced wyandotte
4 easter eggers
5 jersey giants
1 week old: 25 cornish X

Total: 52 chickens
I keep telling myself only 24 are staying and maybe less if the BOdon't behave but I still feel a little crazy or maybe a lot crazy. We made the coop double what we needed but now I wish I would've built a pole barn

I'll post pics tomorrow when the light is better
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Kimmie, on the first page in the second picture you have there is a little brown one walking that looks like it has fluffy cheeks. But maybe that's just the way the pic was taken. :p

All of your guys chicks are so cute!!

Mine turned two weeks old yesterday :)
Jrsckn, where do you live in Mid-Michigan? I live in Lake George. What are you going to do with all those chickies? LOL. Why are they so hard to resist? I have got to get mine outside they are making a big fat mess in my house, a fine white dust everywhere I knew they did but I didn't know they really meant everywhere!! LOL.

Tinky, I don't think I have any EE's in my first batch now because of my new EE's I bought look so different as chicks compared to my others. I have one that has feathers on her feet though I wonder what she is. I couldn't look at your picture for some reason I have dail up so thats must be it.

Tinky! I love your chickies!!! How did you take such awesome pic's? Mine are to old now and wild boy they act like I am going to eat them. In the pics do you know what breed they are? I would love to know what they are.

Jrsckn, where do you live in Mid-Michigan? I'm in Durand; half way betweenFlint and Lansing. I live in Lake George.

What are you going to do with all those chickies? I'm going to eat the 25 meaties, 3 barred rock cockerels, and maybe several of the pullets to see which are best for meat. The rest will be laying hens. Even if I don't eat any hens, I built my coop knowing we'd eventually have around 25.LOL.

Why are they so hard to resist? There are so many interesting breeds, it's hard to narrow it down plus when I look at them I see breakfast, lunch, and dinner lol. We started out with 12 barred rocks, realized we had 4 cockerels and knew we needed more hens so we got 3 reds and 3 buff orps; all from TSC. Found this site and all the different breeds, DH wanted jersey giants, daughter wanted EE so we went to the feed store and placed an order. The minimum was 25 so we added 15 CX knowing we'd eat them in 8 weeks and in the end we'd only have 25 or less hens. Built the coop, raised the first chicks to 6 weeks, put them in the coop and waited 1 month for my order to come in. In that month I found how calming watching chickens is and I got very excited about the new batch. Then the order came in and it was wrong. We just replaced what didn't come (except swapping an EE with a SLW) and got and extra 10 meaties. In the end it was a win win situation because I found a hatchery an hour away and will have plenty of meat in the freezer. As for wanting a couple seabrights; they're just plain beautiful and my daughter wants one as a pet. We aren't set up for bantams and right now we're focusing on providing for our family so I found the strength to say no.

I have got to get mine outside they are making a big fat mess in my house, a fine white dust everywhere I knew they did but I didn't know they really meant everywhere!! LOL. Once your chicks are outside, you'll like them and the lack of a mess a lot more lol. I never thought watching chickens peck and scratch the ground would be so therapeutic lol. The dust is crazy; luckily I have a heated porch I can put mine on. I can't imagine it in my house!


Here are some pics of my new arrivals


And the new additions 5 JG 4 EE and 1 SLW

This is our first attempt at meat birds and we were planning on processing them ourselves but we found someone who will do it for $2/bird so now I'm not sure; depends on how much extra money we have after feeding them for 8 weeks lol. But, we will process any of the cockerels or laying pullets ourselves
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Tinky! I love your chickies!!! How did you take such awesome pic's? Mine are to old now and wild boy they act like I am going to eat them. In the pics do you know what breed they are? I would love to know what they are.

Thanks! I don't know I just watch them for awhile and maybe they're just used to me by now.
But thanks!

You mean the pictures on the first page of yours? It's so hard to tell and I'm really bad at guessing breeds. But some of yours have those red stripes down their back and I have one like that and I think she's a red star or a buff orp...
Thanks! I don't know I just watch them for awhile and maybe they're just used to me by now.
But thanks!

You mean the pictures on the first page of yours? It's so hard to tell and I'm really bad at guessing breeds. But some of yours have those red stripes down their back and I have one like that and I think she's a red star or a buff orp...

The ones with stripes should be Red Stars. Buff Orpingtons are usually more solid yellowish.
This is our first attempt at meat birds and we were planning on processing them ourselves but we found someone who will do it for $2/bird so now I'm not sure; depends on how much extra money we have after feeding them for 8 weeks lol. But, we will process any of the cockerels or laying pullets ourselves
I just don't think I can process them myself and eat them to, I wish I could.
Thanks! I don't know I just watch them for awhile and maybe they're just used to me by now.
But thanks!

You mean the pictures on the first page of yours? It's so hard to tell and I'm really bad at guessing breeds. But some of yours have those red stripes down their back and I have one like that and I think she's a red star or a buff orp...
No, the pictures of your chicks, can you go back and put a name underneath each kind?
The ones with stripes should be Red Stars. Buff Orpingtons are usually more solid yellowish.
What are red stars? I hope I got some Buffs, they are so awesome.

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