Just ordered my new chicks for May 30th!!!

I hope I got some Buffs, they are so awesome.

You can have my 3, they're evil birds lol. I know everyone says how nice they are but mine aren't. They come up behind us and peck us and if we so much as look at them like we are going to move toward them, they squak soo loud the neighbors probably think we kicked them across the coop, I can't even come close to explaining how they sound when they realize we accidently touched them. I don't know why they are the opposite of everything I've heard about them, they were raised with the rest of the girls and they're all very friendly.
Oh sure I can I will in a sec hang on.

And thanks word girl! I think have two red stars then. There was supposed to be a buff orp but a buff colored chick passed away the first night so it was probably that one.
The other red star was all buff colored too but it has more reddish feathers coming in. And its feathering reaaaaallly sloowwwww so i'm almost wondering if it's a boy... but how would they mix a red star gender up....
What are red stars? I hope I got some Buffs, they are so awesome.

Actually, I think they are Golden Comets/Stars - I guess Red Stars are a little different. I have had them and have them again and really like them - they are on the small side for a large brown egg layer, and lay very, very well. They are a "sex-linked" breed, meaning that you can sex them right away just by their down color - the girls are gold-ish with stripes down their backs, and the boys are white.

Here are some Gold Stars that I had:

Here is a picture of my chicks with some of them labeled. The Buff Orps and the White Rocks look very similar to me until their feathers come in - I'm not absolutely positive, but it seems that my White Rocks have somewhat darker legs than the yellowish legs of the Buffs.

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Your second picture, left to right - Australorp/Jersey Giant, Barred Rock, Red Star. I'll look again later, but I only have a second now.
I got these from Murrey Hatchery, they don't have golden comet or red star. See this is what I get for getting a Rainbow Pullet package. The last picture is the same as the one above heres a different one.

I got these from Murrey Hatchery, they don't have golden comet or red star. See this is what I get for getting a Rainbow Pullet package. The last picture is the same as the one above heres a different one.

Wait you're talking about murray mcmurray right? They have red stars there, I got two. And I think you do have a couple because I have a red star right now who looks just like those little buff colored ones with the white wings.
They are soooo cute!
And I agree wordgirl, I LOVE every single red star I've ever had. Mine have always been super friendly.
Here are my guesses at those in your last picture.

RS = Red Star (if these have red/tan/brown feathers coming in as well as the white ones, they're probably Red Stars
) (another note - Gold Stars and Red Stars are both sex-linked hybrids, and depending on the breeds used to make them, they can probably be the same thing, with different names, or actually different hybrids, like one hatchery I've seen sells several different red sex-links and the breeds used are different and the chicks look different, too...sorry if that's confusing)
PR = Partridge Plymouth Rock
BA = Black Australorp
JG = Jersey Giant (to tell these two apart - if the soles of the feet are white, it's hopefully a BA, if the soles are yellow, it's hopefully a JG - although with hatchery chicks, this may not work perfectly)
BR = Barred Plymouth Rock

Hope this helps!


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