Just purchased 7 baby chicks

My chicks and ducklings like the top of the brooder plate also. I had a small gap between the edge of the brooder plate and the brooder wall. I stuffed a washcloth in the gap and placed no slip shelf Liner over the top of the brooder after coming in to find a chick stuck in the gap one time and another time a chick couldn't get off the top of the brooder plate because it was too slippery. This solved the problem instantly though. Enjoy your fluffy babies! My first girls were 2 SLWyandotte's, 2 Barred Rocks and 1 Buff Orpington, so it seems like we made similar choices in breeds :love
This was their 2nd night and this morning they didn't wake up until 6am. So far so good. I have seen no more poopy butts since I brought them home 2 days ago. They all seem to be doing well. Poops look good. All eating very well and drinking. They love the grass patch I gave them. They actually found a worm in it which caused quite a ruckus! They are one week 2 days old and one of the Buff Orpingtons jumped up off the brooder plate to the top of the bin while I was cleaning out some of the litter and changing the water. I guess I will need to keep a lid on for sure now. 20200226_145040.jpg
We just got out first baby chicks this week as well. Thank God for this group bc I have no idea what I’m doing. My teenage daughter brought them home from Tractor Supply. Don’t even know what breeds they are. What do I need to know right away?? Lol
Welcome! I hope you have a nice brooder set up, feeders and waterers, and either a well secured red heat lamp, or a brooder plate.
And a hardware cloth cover on the brooder!
Chicks are fun! Pictures, post pictures!
Yes my daughter went all out with feeders and waterers. We own tons of heat lamps so she had that ready to go as well. So far so good. One did have a poop ball on its rear this am that now I’m learning wasn’t a good sign but I checked tonight and all is ok.

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