Just purchased the "easy button" of chicken coops. Forgive me!

Welcome to the world of chickens. You will get a chance to build that coop, this hobby is very addicting. We have 8 hens who are all 2 years old. Our plan was to get 2 or 3 chicks every couple of years so that we had a constant supply of eggs as the girls got older and slowed down or stopped altogether. Well that plan "' flew the coop when I took my wife to the feed store with me two weeks ago and they had Silkies. I won't go into the long story cause it's been posted here a couple of times, but we now have 15 chicks in our brooder, and I'm building a second coop for the Silkies. Enjoy them, they are alot of fun and this is a great site to get info from experianced owners. Doesn't matter how or where you get your coop, as long as it's the right one for your girls and your happy with it.
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Right there with you. I was only getting 3 a year ago, so I got a small coop. It took about 7 months before I purchased my replacement coop to hold 7, but wait! I still have my old coop that holds 3! I can get 10!

Since I'm terrible at math does this mean I should move into the coop because the chickens will need my house? Ha ha. I'm already dreaming up the fabulous "next" coop we're going to get. LOL
Nice to see so many "newbies" on here. Lots of information and helpful people.... you'll do a lot of
and some
and occassionally you will
or even
. but when they lay the first egg you will
and there will be lots of those on here to celebrate right along with you. Have fun!

RE: Chicken math.... sooo, ya haven't actually gotten the chickens yet... hope you have more self control than me. WE decided we would get 3 hens, just for eggs and bug control (that's how it all starts!). I mentioned our plan to my 80+ yr. old mother. She would like a few eggs each week.. Hmmmm, guess we should get 4 or 5 hens. I mention it to my daughter, and she says she would use a few eggs each week (well, a lot, cause she has 3 LARGE boys) . Hmmm, better make that 7or 8 hens (chicken math at work). We go to the feed store to get DOG AND CAT FOOD, not chicks. We are not set up yet... but they have chicks in, the first of the season. MY DH says, let's get 10, (well, who am I to argue with that?) you'll probably lose a couple (not!) We come home with 15! LOL and I am spending an awful lot of time looking at other breeds now, but my coop isn't big enough, and I really need to get my yard in this year and not spend the summer building a (another) coop, but I'd really like to try some.....
Go for it! I wanted one of those awhile back, just not in the budget. I think if I would have saved all the money I have have spent on this project and that project, I could have bought a couple of Cubes myself.

I would go with something like Red or Gold Sexlinks for the Eglu. They are a bit smaller but fantastic layers.

Welcome to Chicken Enablers United
I think our first chickens are going to be adopted. My husband's work friend called and heard we were getting chickens. He asked if we'd like his, which aren't very old. He sold my husband on skipping the chick stage and so I guess we're adopting. Of course, I'm already eyeing bigger coops so I think I'll be expanding my flock by next..... hey wait, this can't be happening already. Three chickens, just three chickens for the eggs and as pets.
I thought of that too
Then started thinking..uuuhhhh ooooo, what if I want more and more chickens

Do u know my chickens aren't even outside yet, and I keep buying and hatching..lol
I started with this whole..oh I only want a few for myself..so I get a coop built..

Then last week, I get another larger coop, the yesterday a doghouse I can convert for brooding mommas
Or whatever

And my chicken village is underway


But I say they look awesome the one your getting for a few chickens..so enjoy..enjoy..
And hope..ya just don't get the chicken wants..

Like me



And their not even outside..lmao


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