Just released !! New 1040 income tax form for year 2008 must see.

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I am such a dip, I fell for it and went and checked out the form to make sure it wasn't really on there. Talk about have a _________ moment.

Thanks for the laugh.
We Americans are always quick to point fingers and blame our problems on other people. In our own small ways, we've ALL contributed to the economic mess we're in, and no one group can or should be blamed.

Instead of wasting time posting pictures that are only going to perpetuate negativity and stereotyping -- of both the wealthy and the poor -- maybe we should step away from the computer desk, step out of the little self-important boxes we place ourselves into and go do something to make our country a better place.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are the perfect time to volunteer at a soup kitchen, make gifts for the less fortunate, read to a child or visit the elderly or a shut-in.

Too bad not a lot of people are willing to do these things. If everyone pitched in, I doubt anyone would even need a bailout, since everyone would find themselves surrounded by helping hands.

Unfortunately, we're just not like that as a society. Shame on us!
I love it! There's nothing like making ppl laugh!!!
I hope this thread stays open, it's freakin hilarious!!!
Well said. What you are suggesting reminds me of "It's a Wonderful Life." That American attitude of helping others (rather than profiting from them) flew out the window circa 1980. Too bad.
Well put there chicken lady. I recently bought 14 cinamon queens from a lady who really needed the money. Like I needed another chicken. I paid TOP dollar for them and told her I would winter them for her, no charge.

She can come and get them in the spring and pay me back the original price and take how ever many she would like back. These birds are big layers and I told her to come over and get the eggs whenever she could as this is what she had them for.

Mr. Obama got elected over Mr. McCain in principal becuase of his promises to the voters. Some of these were ludicrous and he would never be able to fulfill them. Yet, people fell for this and this is why we have a new 1040 !! I do not hold a position on any politics, nor do I wish this to be a political thread. It is just a joke and for those who take this seriously to heart .....
Wouldn't surprise me none.

Welcome to the... figured I'd better edit it now, I imagine this thread is being read regularly by mods.
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