48° is the overnight low. I don't really have a thermometer except a probe type for in an oven.
I keep my little fluffies and their brooder in the house as it is easier to keep them warm.

ELectricity and heaters in the coop with all that straw is a fire hazzard.

I also think you need to urgently invest in a thermometer to check the temperature in the brooder.

Any chance you can bring them into the house for a couple of weeks?
Very good. I still have 12 living. The temp this morning in the brooder was 74°. I cleaned out their water bowls and refilled them. I'm using the sav-a-chick electrolyte and vitamin packs in their water, and I have nutritional yeast (Now brand) in their food which is dumar 20% chick starter.View attachment 3133187
@rjmyooper 74F is more than a littel cool. They need to be at 90F for the first week and 85F for the second. While they certainly huddled together to keep warm, keep warm at low temperatures is very stressful for little bodies.
I can't believe how big they're getting! It's day 8, and they're approximately 10 days old.


They have a new home to roam, kind of. I scrapped the small brooder and put a fence in 1/2 way in the coop.

I also bought a bigger waterer because they go through SO much water. Now instead of Sav-A-Chic I use the Streseez-plus.
They sure have grown and so adorable.
Can they dunk their heads in that waterer? it's very important they can.
No, I guess they can't. I'll have to figure something out tomorrow morning. I keep a covered tub in there for swimming, but I wasn't able to catch them all. I don't know what kind of container to use, but I will figure it out.

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