Just wanna make sure this is def. a female not rooster!!

No crow but I don’t know if she laid I have so many different birds.

You could put her in a pen by herself for a few days and see--eggs are really good proof of gender!

Or you could have a look at her vent (hole where the eggs come out.)
A male or a non-laying female has a small, puckered looking vent.
A female that's laying has a vent that's larger, moister, and looks like it could stretch big enough for an egg to come out.

Easiest way to see the differences is to just start looking at chickens that you know are not laying (males, partly grown chicks, broodies), then at ones that probably are laying. But if you don't know for sure about any of them--just look at every chicken you've got. Once you've found both versions, the difference tends to be pretty clear.
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I can't see any horns! And from the whole body pic I am swayed. Girl!!

What colour eggs do you get from your other hens? Polish lay white or cream eggs.

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