Kat’s Journey into Chicken Keeping

Can you post a pic of your wiggle-butts?
Cobra...my youngest.

Cobra's old dad,Trigger, can be seen here:

Trigger's dad was white. He was my big favorite funny, Pongo.

3 generations of boys with 3 different colors.
A little about the ducks.
We moved to our new home in June 2019.
We basically cleared about two acres (it had all been woods), and we had the crew dig us a 1/4 acre pond. The pond was MY idea. I wanted a pond on our little homestead. I wanted to come out on my porch in the morning and look over at a nice pond. I even bought fathead minnows to put in the pond. Mother Nature provided us with frogs.
DH decided that he wanted ducks at our pond.
He bought 7 Muscovy ducks from a woman near us. And we built a nice duck house filled with comfy straw. They rarely use it. They like to roost on top of the duck house. Or better yet, the top of our camper!

Over the course of the year, we lost two to predators, and one just disappeared. The four that remain turned out to be females (even though for a year we labored under the misconception that they were drakes!)
We wanted to add more to the little flock, and this year we acquired six more Muscovy ducklings. We now have a flock of ten.
We raised the babies next to the chicks, and when they were pretty big we introduced them to the other ducks.
For a long time they stayed in their original cohorts separate from each other, but at this point they have blended into one big flock.

Here I’ve got my ducks in a row!

A few random duck photos:








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A little about the ducks.
We moved to our new home in June 2019.
We basically cleared about two acres (it had all been woods), and we had the crew dig us a 1/4 acre pond. The pond was MY idea. I wanted a pond on our little homestead. I wanted to come out on my porch in the morning and look over at a nice pond. I even bought fathead minnows to put in the pond. Mother Nature provided us with frogs.
DH decided that he wanted ducks at our pond.
He bought 7 Muscovy ducks from a woman near us. And we built a nice duck house filled with comfy straw. They rarely use it. They like to roost on top of the duck house. Or better yet, the top of our camper!
View attachment 2315758
View attachment 2315775Over the course of the year, we lost two to predators, and one just disappeared. The four that remain turned out to be females (even though for a year we labored under the misconception that they were drakes!)
We wanted to add more to the little flock, and this year we acquired six more Muscovy ducklings. We now have a flock of ten.
We raised the babies next to the chicks, and when they were pretty big we introduced them to the other ducks.
For a long time they stayed in their original cohorts separate from each other, but at this point they have blended into one big flock.
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Here I’ve got my ducks in a row!

A few random duck photos:
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They're beautiful! I wish we had a pond, would be pretty cool! Very few people can truly say they have all their ducks in a row...:gig
It’s been hot (95 degrees) and humid the last few days. I’ve been making sure the chickens always have lots of fresh water.
Today DH and I got them a fan.

It’s quiet enough when turned on low, but the girls were still reluctant to go into the coop at first. But it got dark out and in they went. Hopefully they will like the breeze.

My Big Girls (15 and 16 weeks)

My Little Girls (5 weeks)





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