Kate plus 8...chicken episode....so funny

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She had an Amish farmer design and build her coop and run. You would hope they asked her how many chickens she was planning on having? And then her chickens arrived early, and she had them stay at a neighbor's (who I'm assuming has chicken experience since they had a spot to keep them). Again, someone who should have told her. But let's not forget, there's LOTS of chicken owners who don't really know how to care for their own animals that well. We see it all the time on here, people who don't have enough space, not to mention all those pre-fab coops that claim they can fit 8 chickens in a 4x2 coop! I doubt she really has the time to be scouring the internet for ways to make her chickens happier, she probably just took the word of those around her who seemed like they should know. But I still say they won't last very long past the kids going back to school
Yeah, I am watching people build a coop that obviously have knowledge about it, and no one informed her of anything. That's pretty dense on a lot of people's parts!
Someone is dense and I am thinking it is not the people building the coop........ Personally, she has no business with chickens, animals of any kind for that matter, she is too OCD about being clean. She makes me
I dont have TV so I dont watch her show. But I have heard about it. I watched the link.. Yup that coop is way to small for 16 chickens.. I actually hope she gets on BYC and asks for help.
I am not a fan of the show though I did watch the episode because of the chickens...

Here is a positive spin - at least she is planning ahead and almost had the coop done before the birds arrived and is planning ahead for winter.... there are certainly lots of people here who weren't close to being prepared when their girls arrived.... and of course lets not forget that she does have help so I am sure that someone can help with the hens... maybe even BYC will come into play?

I will say however that just because you don't like the show or what the family does or doesn't do doesn't make name calling acceptable.... I highly doubt she is dumb or stupid to raise all those kids and she seems to be managing just fine without assistance for government coffers so perhaps toning it down... she is after all a human being with feelings.
I don't watch the show, but you've got to give her some credit. Imagine how you used to be before you go chickens - you had to learn, too! Give her a break, whether you like her or not.
True, she was looking at that garage space with the builder, so I'm sure they'll be warm at least in the winter. And yeah, I don't doubt for a second that she will not be the one caring for them. My husband thought it was hilarious when she said the new punishment will be cleaning the poop board. And to think, I CHOSE to be a daily poop board cleaner!
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