Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

I cant wait for this swap!! And I am gonna have to say that silkie is a roo but
for you that its a pullet. I know you can just
me now
I posted a pic of her/his full body earlier in this thread. Also, it is a real "'fraidy cat" kind of chicken, always runs and hides. Particually loves to hide under the funky red chicken i have (they grew up together). I got both from 1CM about 3 mos ago. There are also pics of the red chicken earlier in this thread. I think the red is a roo---he just recently grew out green tail feathers! he's a cross between silkie and something like NH red.
well there wont be any fudge, since it is just getting too warm for making and setting it. But I am going to be busy with the fudge sauce and cookies.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

well there wont be any fudge, since it is just getting too warm for making and setting it. But I am going to be busy with the fudge sauce and cookies.

COOL!! I just got back from the Monadnock Shopper News...they are going to run an ad and are writing an article about the event. Just stopped by the store to show Dana the ad...and she is concerned that there are not going to be enough chicks (apparently the hatchery she uses is backordered and she is not going to be able to get chicks)...she wanted to know what and HOW many birds to expect so she can tell folks. A LOT of people think there are not going to be enough birds...just buyers. Is anyone hatching????? I know Siz was talking about it...

Can we get an inventory of what everyone is bringing??

This is going to be a BIG if you've got extra chicks/birds...bring them on!!

I'm scanning the ad...

All the business names will be in the case you are wondering!​
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Here is the ad....article is being written and will be in the paper next week!! It will bring in a TON of folks!! I think I'll see if I can search out a hatchery that could get some chicks to me before Sunday!!!
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Well, i plan on going to the hampton swap on the 13th,
I am thinking if i had any left i want to take the ride to this one, or see if chickn is going and i can ask her to bring some for me if i had peaple that wanted what i have.

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