Keeping Button Quail as pets?

I would really watch the lone female. The other pair may go territorial on her and drive her off. Since she has no where to go (as they are in a cage), she could be injured or can look in craigslist for a male or find a breeder to send you a male. I have some boys that need wives
They are all getting along just fine it is the male that is loosing his feathers the most. The females are loosing some feathers but not like my male he is the worst. They have been together for the whole winter now and are fine they are even laying eggs. I do need to get another gray male though for my gal I would like to have 2 breeding pairs again but that will have to wait till we finish getting our house built and move. That will be soon. Are you selling any gray males that is what we really need.
I have tons of males, the gray ones (silver) are getting popular but I have them available and waiting for a lady of their own. Still watch the birds and make sure none turn on each other.
Buttons are great pets
a guinea pig cage would be fine. I keep mine in tanks so they don't spill out bedding unless you use equine pine pellets. Which of course is very cheap at a feed store.
Button quail should be kept indoors, they are not cold hardy at all with their little bodies. Parakeet cages, guinea pig cages (make sure the bars aren't wide) are sufficient. Also make sure you don't have any wire floors. Tanks work but make sure you have adequate ventilation as ammonia can build up fast with adults. Jfulcher cleans her tank quite often (kudos girlie!!) and the equine pine is amazing! Especially for those with a lot of quail
we have 1 white button quail.he lives indoors and we house him in a bid cage with the floor of his cage with carpet,and he has a little wooden house he sleeps in.we usually keep his door open so he wanders around the house when he pleases.we feed him chick feed and hand feed him meal worms.His name is chickie peeps and our family absolutly ADORE him.he doesnt seen to enjoy all the kisses but he is content to snuggle in my shoulder as I type away:)
If you have any females left, I would very much appreciate having one! Phineas is very very lonely since his nest mate was eaten when he tried to fly the coop. Literally. And I need a male for a friend of mine. Her little hen (from the same nest) is nearly as lonely at Phineas. I haven't been able to find a breeder in the area for mates, so I'm pretty desperate.
I have 3 pair that are super tame They are in the living room in bird cages. The cages are multi level which they love,all three cages have a box with hay and a sand bath. All 3 pair are laying well. [if anyone is interested in eggs let me know] I have also kept them in aquariums with no problem

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