Keeping chickens amused


In the Brooder
Jan 29, 2017
Hi, I'm new here and need some advice. I have two hybrid marans who have just starting laying. I've noticed they keep picking each others tail feathers, and although they don't seem to be causing damage I'm concerned. Atm they're in lock down following outbreaks of avian flu here which hopefully will end in March. The picking seems mutual, one isn't ganging up on the other, but what can i do to keep them amused until they can free range? I ordered some anti pick spray and give them lots of meal worms hidden about their run. I hope to free range them a lot but at the moment DEFRA is saying not to.
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Welcome to BYC!

Since they are confined due to the flu, providing them more space might really help.
Looks, in your avatar pic, like you have one of those tiny coop/runs.
Not sure what the confinement requirements are,
but a big loop of tall welded wire fencing might give them some 'personal space'.

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