Keeping chickens cool in the hot?

Fans blowing in their coop and / or run.

Ice in the water.

Cold wet treats (melons are great) even partially frozen is better.

Wetting down the run area w/ the hose during the hottest part of the day.

A shallow large container you can fill w/ water for them to wade through (mine love this)

Shade cloth over the run
I use frozen water bottles, gal. size and put them inside xlarge containgers so the girls can fit in with them. Helps act like a ac. I also have a fan for mostly circulation. I live in northern CA and we just havent really had a summer this year. Only a couple of days about a month ago. I have read of people using misters and really like them. I also used a shallow container and filled half way with water for them to stand or sit in. They really enjoyed that.
113 degrees in the shade here in Morristown, AZ right now, fans in the hen houses and fresh water in pans with allot of surface area (helps keep it cool by evap.) and we also have misters in the shade for them. We also allow more free range time for them to hang out in cooler shaded areas on the property.
great ideas thank you everyone i will try the wading pool and dont worry i will barely fill it up
Mine won't go in if they have to step over something. We have a large trash can lid (plastic) turned upside down so it holds water they love it, so we got these tubs that had a flat bottom so they were more stable thinking that would be better, but they have higher sides and the chickens won't go in them at all.
i put some water for them to wade in but they just drank it and didnt try. But some did kinda get their toes wet when they drank. will they get used to it and start wading or what?
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Mine won't go in if they have to step over something. We have a large trash can lid (plastic) turned upside down so it holds water they love it, so we got these tubs that had a flat bottom so they were more stable thinking that would be better, but they have higher sides and the chickens won't go in them at all.

well it doesnt have high sides at all i could post a picture if you want to see it
Mine won't go in if they have to step over something. We have a large trash can lid (plastic) turned upside down so it holds water they love it, so we got these tubs that had a flat bottom so they were more stable thinking that would be better, but they have higher sides and the chickens won't go in them at all.

well it doesnt have high sides at all i could post a picture if you want to see it

I'd try it, I wasn't meaning to discourage you from trying, just let you know if they don't use it a possible reason.

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