Keeping Fish

I would put her back right away, fish don't develop eggs that quickly and they don't become egg bound. Relax, you are going to have to accept not every fish you bring home will make it, it's stressful to be moved, some don't survive, it happens. Do your best, that's all you can do.
If you mean put her back with the rest, wouldn't that risk infecting the whole tank if she has anything like dropsy?
I would understand if it would reduce her stress and cure her faster to be in the tank; if not, can you please elaborate?
Also what salts would you suggest(brand, specific variety...)
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As her swelling came up drastically in a few minutes, it went down drastically overnight. Would you say it's safe to put her back?
The other fish seem fine, the girls are scavenging on the bottom and coming up for air while the boys are flaring. The boys ate and I didn't see the girls eat, probably because the tank is so big and new to them
Another question: all three girls came from a sorority with other fish. Does that change the likelihood of her transferring it to others? Or that the other girls have it as well? I think this was brought on by stress or over eating, though she hasn't "relieved" herself yet. If her swelling is down even more after school I'll put her back.
Penny looks much better than yesterday. She also relieved herself and it looks normal. Is it time for her to go back home?
Unfortunately I can't say the same about Brooke. As you can see she isn't looking so good. What's wrong?
Lynn and the boys are doing great but I won't get my hopes up... something seems to be going around in the tank.
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Put the one back, it probably had something to do with the brine shrimp, the other one just found a nice place to rest, remember that they haven't done much swimming in their lives and have probably not ate too much either for a while, keep them warm, and feed lightly.
I would put her back right away, fish don't develop eggs that quickly and they don't become egg bound. Relax, you are going to have to accept not every fish you bring home will make it, it's stressful to be moved, some don't survive, it happens. Do your best, that's all you can do.

This is good advice and I would like to add one more thing....Don't worry your fish to death!

You can over medicate. You can move them around too much. And you can change the water chemistry too much.

Make most changes slowly over time.
You're girls are beautiful! I plan to get some bettas within the next few weeks for my turtle pond. In the mean time, I'm restocking my hobby tank with more guppies. It will also be an all-guppy breeder tank I suppose. I would definitely order fry from you Shelly! Keep us updated on your fish.

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