Keeping Fish

Just found an email from the place I ordered sunnies from. Turns out these fish are live caught, so it's going to take a while before all the pairs are caught, grouped, and acclimated. They probably will ship within the next few months. All of my fish doing quite well. Axolotllove, the axolotls in your avatar are beautiful! What sort of setup do you keep them in? I'd love to have a couple.

Just found an email from the place I ordered sunnies from. Turns out these fish are live caught, so it's going to take a while before all the pairs are caught, grouped, and acclimated. They probably will ship within the next few months. All of my fish doing quite well. Axolotllove, the axolotls in your avatar are beautiful! What sort of setup do you keep them in? I'd love to have a couple.


Ah yes Lucaya and Charlie are my little babies :) they have an 80 gal tank with lots of plants and pots, they are feed night crawlers and blood worms. There is no gravel in the bottom though, they were really expensive (1500$) because Charlie is a rare giant golden albino. Lucaya is a wild type. Best of luck with your sunnies!
My son is home for spring break and he went to our local mom and pop, and dog, aquarium store and bought some rams and some bleeding hearts. I said,' I thought you were going for neons and hatchets.
Check and make sure they are not fin nippers because of the baby bettas.''

The rams apparently are docile but the bleeding hearts ended up going into my husbands native fresh water tank (150gallons)... which was down to one flag fish ,a molly, and a golden top water.
He stood there a few minutes and yelled down the hall to my son, "Hey! You want to go back to the fish store and get some more fish?"
My son is home for spring break and he went to our local mom and pop, and dog, aquarium store and bought some rams and some bleeding hearts. I said,' I thought you were going for neons and hatchets.
Check and make sure they are not fin nippers because of the baby bettas.''

The rams apparently are docile but the bleeding hearts ended up going into my husbands native fresh water tank (150gallons)... which was down to one flag fish ,a molly, and a golden top water.
He stood there a few minutes and yelled down the hall to my son, "Hey! You want to go back to the fish store and get some more fish?"
Bleeding hearts are actually much more docile than neon tetras and shouldn't bother fry. I breed guppies, mollies, and swordtails and have never had a problem with the bleeding heart tetras. Neons are much worse in my experience.

Came home from dinner to find my lavender male betta bloated and floating on his side. I'll give him an epsom bath. No protruding scales, but could it be dropsy? I don't want my other fish to get infected, please any suggestions asap. It would really help if my phone let me upload pictures but unfortunately that's not the case
Can you try feeding shelled frozen/thawed green peas for constipation. Seems to help some Bettas and Goldfish.

I used to feed mine 1/2 pea a week as well as frozen worms and color pellets.

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