Keeping knats off baby chicks


6 Years
Mar 23, 2016
North Carolina
I really enjoy bringing my baby chicks outside when it's hot and I'm outside with them. That being said the knats also enjoy hanging around the babies. Is there anything I can do to protect them from the knats that wont hurt them?
When the gnats get bad, I spray the windows and the chicks with a product called buggins. Its primary ingredient is lemongrass oil. It won't hurt the birds. I just spray it above them so the aerosol settles on them.
It is formulated specifically for gnats and no-see-ums. It has to be reapplied once or twice a day but it does provide relief.
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When the gnats get bad, I spray the windows and the chicks with a product called buggins. Its primary ingredient is lemongrass oil. It won't hurt the birds. I just spray it above them so the aerosol settles on them.
It is formulated specifically for gnats and no-see-ums. It has to be reapplied once or twice a day but it does provide relief.
Oh I will definitely have to see if I can find that! Thank you 😊

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