Keeping your chickens entertained

I give mine various leafy greens as part of their diet, and to keep them stimulated I cut/shred everything up small and toss it all over the run. That way they have to scratch around and find the goodies, it's not just sitting in one place. Food toys are fun for them too!

My girls currently have pine cones dipped in gelatin and coated with millet and sunflower hearts.

I've also thought about changing stuff up in their yard occasionally. I put up new netting over their run yesterday, and they had a BLAST pecking at, jumping on, and scratching at the roll when I put it on the ground.
I love the seed bottle idea!

A small portable run they can explore a new area in while I'm out gardening is a big hit with my ladies. I've seen the idea of freezing greens in a block of ice for them to peck at on hot days and snatch up as it melts, but I've never tried it.

When I trim branches and toss one in for them, they think it is Christmas. We have pomegranates trees, and occasionally I'll toss a split one in for them to figure out how to get all the fruit out. Same with a cracked pumpkin around Halloween.
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i use this toy. you fill it with food or treats and the have to knock it around for the food/treat to come out on the sides
Today I found an old suet basket I never use anymore and stuffed it full of dandelion greens, then used a double ended snap bolt to hang it from the tree. The girls love it!

I put all of my "dying" lawn furniture in the run. It gives the chickens a more complex space, lots of things to jump up on, and makes for easy escapes from a flock mate who's being aggressive. I think the more you can subdivide the space and give them different perches to be on, the more they have to do and can get a break from each other.

A flake of alfalfa hay is good entertainment and also excellent feed, especially in winter when forage is limited.

Several people have made chicken swings, and someone is now marketing a very pricey plastic one.

Having plenty of good dirt for digging and dust bathing seems to make for hours of diversion, too.
I didn't think of giving them dandelion... my lawn is covered with them. Project for when I get home will be to pick a load.

Also going to look into building a chicken swing.

Thanks for the ideas :)
Great thread!
Following and looking for ideas.

It's hot here in the Midwest; so far I've put fruit in an ice block for them to peck at.
OH! SO glad I found this thread. I feel like a new mom all over again. I want to go out and get everything I can to make them happy! I got that yellow ball, which I plan to use when my 3 week olds are a bit older. The bottle is a great idea- and a lot cheaper then the toys! Thanks for the idea. I've read about hanging a head of cabbage in their run and they have a blast...great for winter time. Heard the ice block is great for summer- will be doing that soon, as it's getting up to 100 around here! I was wondering about a swing, also, they look like fun! Look forward to seeing everyone's ideas!

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