Kentucky people

Congrats to your baby boy!!! Now just watch how the momma chickens give the babies the boot and take a lesson from them...

I told him tonight I almost bought him a Red Bull for his graduation bag - so he can get some wings and fly away. He said Red Bull tastes horrid, and he'd rather have a Ballz.

Hi this is Sandi of CedarRidgeChicks ..I haven't been on the Kentucky People thread before but want to join in..I PM Meri and Sydney (spydertoys) quite ofter and Shelleyd a few all have been very helpful!!Thanks..Hope to get some eggs from Meri later this week to start up the bator that I got from Shelleyd and I am gettingsome blue splash silkies from Spydertoys-Sydney..but I am still looking for jb coturnix quail for my hubby anybody have them other than shelleyd..she is not selling right now..there is someone from Eubank that had some..anybody know him??

Thanks again,
Hi everyone, just checking in. We're expecting our buff orpington eggs to hatch today, day 21. They're under our broody hen that we enticed to go broody by putting a bunch of eggs in one nest. It didn't even take two days and she was sitting on them permanently! But now, we're wondering what to do with a bunch of new chicks. I posted on the KY Traders thread since we really should sell them once they hatch.

On a side note, did anyone go to the Shelbyville chicken show last weekend? We were unable to go, but had planned to attend. I'd love to hear from anyone that might have gone. What's it like? Do they sell chickens there, or is it just for show?

Anyway...hope everyone is doing well. Looking forward to all the rain scheduled in the next few days. My garden needs it.
Some people came and bought some hens off of me and said they went, had a Silkie for $90, but thats all they said about it...I hadnt heard about it untill they said anything...where is it at? is it with the Reptile Show stuff?

Pic heavy, folks --- some pics of the ducks and geese today playing outside on the chicken lawn. (the place with the skids is where part of the gravel is going to go to cleanup the landscaping problems with the rain and pools.)


Fred and Lucy






Spiffy (isn't he beautiful?)



Well, I am disappointed. I posted earlier in "what breed or gender is this?" and everyone has told me my new SLW that I bought is a boy. Here is my original post, just in case any of you disagree (I can't help but still be hopeful).

I went and got three more "pullets" (2 EEs and 1 SLW) bc 2 of my chickens are roos. Now my SLW is getting color on her (his?) comb already at 3.5 weeks. None of my other chickens got color this early, not even my roos. So now I don't know if she is a he. Also, her tailfeathers are much more straight and "up" than all the other chicks I've raised so far. Opinions?
See her tail, how it sticks up compared to the others? (she is the black one in the middle)

And here's another shot of her tail

Another body shot (she would NOT stand up straight...)

And these are all attempts to show her comb... I don't know how well the color will show up in the pics.



I am REALLY hoping that early color in the combs is normal for this breed.

If it indeed IS a boy, would anyone be interested in taking it? I also have a light brahma and br roo that I need to find homes for (my husband told me he'd kill the LB for food but we have both grown attached as he is such a friendly curious little guy). Also, anyone have a GLW or SLW pullet in the age range of 4-8 weeks we could purchase to replace him?
I have 4 BO (one of those a roo), 2 RIR roos, 3 EE (one a roo), 1 mutt and 7 chicks that can't make up my mind on. I also am attempting my first hatch. I set 12 BO x BO or RIR, 14 EE and 7 mutt x EE today. We have had chickens for a little over a year now and are loving it. But what is not to like. They are the only pets that give you gifts.
Some people came and bought some hens off of me and said they went, had a Silkie for $90, but thats all they said about it...I hadnt heard about it untill they said anything...where is it at? is it with the Reptile Show stuff?


I was there, and I am trying to remember, I think there was a pair of SQ white silkies for about $100? I thought it was a pair? I didn't look too closely, as I am not interested in whites. I know mine weren't anywhere near $90
. Kids wound up buying all my chicks, so I lowered the price to almost nothing, and no one took the pair I had. Did sell a couple of extra hens that I had shown as well.

So yes, exhibitors can pay to sell birds at the show, both inside in sale cages, and outside from their vehicles. The show is the same weekend in May every year at the Fairgrounds there in town. Its a really nice show, nice people, very helpful to new people (like me
) beautiful building, and over in 1 day unlike some I have been to watch. They did have a cooping in time on Friday, but you could wait until Saturday morning to get there if you wanted, and you could take your birds after it was over on Saturday afternoon instead of staying over to Sunday.

There was no charge for spectators and you could just walk around and look at all the kinds of birds and talk with people. I thought I remebered them having a food vendor there last year, but this year they just had some coolers and people could help themselves to a cold drink or coffee. They also have a Chinese auction which can be fun.

Here is their website, If you haven't been and are close enough to go, it is a fun thing to do. Any more questions feel free to ask, I'll see what I can do to answer.

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