Kentucky people

actually, the ideal would be to have a rifle or a carbine handy when I go out - but it's harder to carry those and do chores at the same time

I'd have to lean it against something and then run grab it if I needed it.

We will have some beagle pups for Christmas if anyone is interested. They are not 100% sure, but they are close. Mama is 100%, papa is 87.5%, so this makes the babies 93.75% pure beagle, and boy are they cute!! There will be 2 for sure, Cris is getting attached to one in particular (as usual), and dad has said something about keeping the male (like he needs more dogs
). But there are 2 females for sure. They are already weaned, so I guess they'd be ready to go anytime. I'm not sure how much he's asking for them, I believe he wanted $25 each for the ones he had last year, but I'll ask for sure, if anyone is interested.
That's funny you should mention that Meri, I just had something happen a week or so ago. We got back in after being gone for the weekend and I went to let my birds out since they'd been inside for the time we were gone. I checked the live trap and sure enough, I caught something. It was a skunk. I thought about tossing a big tub over the whole mess and tossing in some ether to finish the job. The problem was that there wasn't enough ether. I went across the road and borrowed a .22 rifle from my neighbor. I shot this thing the first time from maybe 20 yards away. What resulted was a fountain of stench and I think I only ticked it off. Mind you, this is all upwind from a playground that is used all the time by the community. It took two more shots just to make sure he was finished.
You could get a rifle with a sling then have it slung over your back.... That's what DH makes me do.

Mind you I do really good with a handgun and hate the punch from a rifle or shotgun so I'm a bit leary about using one.... But I do love DH's pump shotgun... just that sound of the shell going into the chamber is enough to scare away intruders.... not that we've had any....

I think any gun sound is enough to scare away an animal if it's not rabid.....

Here's an update on our neighbor -- he called animal control that our dogs were running loose since he couldn't say they were barking and animal control had us license all of the outside dogs and prove they had rabbie shots.... then said they knew the neighbor was a jerk... well not that exact word but we got the point.... Now the neighbor can't complain about our dogs since AC said they were secure in our yard.... I do worry on the weekends when I let the goats out to graze that he'll mistake our white pygmies for our GPs....

To all you that either have had my Pumpkin nut chco chip bread or were drooling over the idea.... I'm making some mini loaves and am willing to send them out... PM me and I'll give you details....
I'd love to sling my rifle over my back, and I have a sling on the sks, and I think one on the ak47, too, but the issue would be being able to move and do chores at the same time as I had it hanging on my back. It's the cow chores more than the chicken chores - I have ten bottle babies to wrestle and feed, in tight quarters. I'd be afraid of hooking the rifle/carbine on something behind me
This morning I had to tube a bottle baby - thought he was getting better (his poo looks good, now) but he didn't want to eat, so his tummy is still upset. I can't imagine tubing a calf with a rifle on my back (I guess I could take it off, but where would I put it and have it be safe?
) Sure enough I'd put it down and do my business and turn back and a calf would be sucking on the barrel trying to get milk out of it
or it would be knocked over in the poo - yeah, hubby would just LOVE that

That .22/.410 would be good for that application, since it was so much smaller (shorter) but it is a single shot, and I hate to spend that much money on a single shot gun
I much prefer using a rifle or a carbine, actually, I'm more accurate with one than I am with a handgun (plus you have longer range with one).

Toby didn't go nuts this morning, but the neighbor dogs did - neighbor is about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile away across the woods from me. I heard him come out of his house and shoot at something in the cow pasture over there - probably coyote, we have one that takes that route every day. We've both tried to get that coyote, but neither of us have gotten a clear shot at him yet.
he let off a good 6-8 shots, so I figure he probably missed it and was ticked. (he has a really sweet .410 - shorter barrel than my .22)

I may just have to find a better handgun for the job. Can't get one right now, though, until we get a bank draft off one of the IRA's. It's through Bank of America
and they are slow as mollasses when it's time to send you YOUR money. I have to make sure the cash I have in the bank is gonna last til it gets here - then I can go gun shopping (maybe in a couple of months). Last year they jerked us around for 4 months trying to get our standard payout - they said we didn't contact them to say we wanted it (we did, but they then said we didn't send it in writing
) but it is a rule that we HAVE to take it every year. I hate banks, and I especially hate BoA - good thing I'll be done with them after next year - we'll be pulling all that money out next time (time after this, I mean). Only reason we left it in so long was it's an old IRA and we're drawing over 5% on it. Gonna miss the high interest rate, but I won't miss BoA.

eta - have a sling on the M1, also, but it is so heavy for me

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Meri -- OH MY --- I could imagine the bottle calves sucking on a rifle.... that is soooooo funny!!

Just be careful.... We don't have anything that wild around here.... I might have seen a fox but not sure if it was that or just a FAT Cat.... Lots of skunks!! I just know one day I will have one of the dogs get sprayed...
Mojo Chick'n :

That really sucks
I don't know of any white cochins anywhere, but I'll keep my eyes open for one for ya.


Thanks Meri...I was going to use her to make some more Splash Cochins. I could use a couple white Roos also if you run across any..both would be good.​

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