Kentucky people

Checking in! I'm in Louisville.

I currently have 7 runner ducks and a mess of 4-8 week old chicks. (trying to sell some of these I'm overrun!)

Had chickens in the backyard for 5 years now and last year was the WORST year ever. I lost my entire flock to hawks, fox, and *ashamed* my two dogs.

This year new fencing, electricity, and no free ranging is my plan.

Nice to meet ya'll!
Hi to you from Bloomfield. I have Orpington chickens, and several types of waterfowl. I live out in the country and have lost two birds this year to predators. I am afraid to let them out. I have plenty of space so it a shame. I am allowing my flock to range in a corral, but its not the same. I have some Silkies as well. They would be gone if I let them range>
@dukesangel -- what kind of chicks might you be selling if you get a rid of a few? We might be looking to take 2-3 more but it depends on the breed.

And don't feel bad about your dogs getting the chickens -- I *completely* misjudged my 16 year old cats abilities and almost lost a chick to him yesterday. Cat can't get jump up on the bed or counter anymore but oh my word you should have seen how quickly he jumped up and into a 3 foot tall brooder. Thank goodness I was standing right there. Also made me realize I needed a screen for the top : )
Don't know how I missed this thread when I first joined. I live with my husband, four children, three dogs, single rabbit, single hamster, three minnows, and lots of chickens in Taylorsville, Ky. I'm probably going to have a few extra chickies after the Cinco de Mayo Hatch-a-thon if I get a good hatch. I'm a transplant to Kentucky from Maine.
Welcome aboard, Allieszoo! We are up on Furnace Mountain on the county line. We have 16 adult birds, mostly cubalayas. Two asil hens have cuba grade chicks right now. Plus we are raising 4 for a friend from Zachariah.

Where did you get your chicks?
What kind of chickens do you have Gardengirl73?
English BBS Orps, White, Buff, and Partridge Bearded Silkies, Jubilee Orpingtons. Hatching out Super Blues from DMRippy this week (leghorn/lav ameraucana cross). Hatching Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas(aircells in bad shape, but hoping), Lav and lav/black split Ameraucanas, Black and Blue Copper Marans, and Bantam Blue Langshans. Oh, and more English BBS Orps. Will be getting Bantam Chocolate Orp eggs soon, lol. My bators are kinda packed. I am a victim of chicken math!

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