Kentucky people

I am from Shelby County Ky and was wondering if anyone has any black orpington pullets for sale in my area? I love my buff orpingtons and barred rock bantams that we have now. Just looking to add to the crew.

Ooh Sultans!! What are there personalities like? The ones i have seen have sweetheart personalities. Do you mind posting a pic of your sizzled sultans? Do you have any to sell?

Can't remember, do you have Amercaunas and Araucanas?

Are the Seabrights flighty?
Well I keep my Sebrights in a coop so I'm not sure they don't fly much when I go to feed or catch them! I will take a pic of my sizzle sultan today and post it for you its solid white and super sweet! I won't have any till spring ;-( I do have Ameraucanas and araucanas both full stock but again I won't have any till spring they aren't laying yet!

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