Kentucky people

btw, I am still just calling her "meep meep" but "the chicken formerly known as Dumpling" is sort of a cool name , too

she's still inside, until I get around to swapping birds around outside (this coming week) because the hens I just got are picking on the chicks in there, and I figured she'd just be one more to pick on.

She makes a LOT of noise - she is the noisiest hen I've ever seen!!
WEll, unofficially I have 5 babies. The last one is kind of surprised at being out in the world. I ended up helping that one out, it had been pipped since at least 9 am yesterday, and was just sitting in the egg peeping. I had to save it from the older ones, they were pecking the icky stuff that was still stuck to its butt. So I figured, what the hay? and candled the other eggs. One of the ducklings that had pipped internally was still moving, so I went ahead and pipped the shell for it. I figured I didn't have much to lose, since they were all pipped internally Friday night. That way it will get more air, and maybe make it?

There are 2 more for sure that had pipped internally and died, the pekin being one of them
Not sure what happened there. I figured if they made it to the end, after all they had been through, they would make it. Oh well.

I'm thinking the khaki eggs are no good. I candled them tonight, and they are on day 5. I should be able to see something, but nothing yet. They look like they got some pretty rough handling, so we'll see on those too.

On a good note, I candled the lakenvelder eggs also. They are on day 5 as well. At least half of those are developing, so that's good. I might get a good start with them.
Shelley,I seen just now that you got 5 of my babys? I sure hope they are so pretty,can`t hardly wait to see them.Pictures so they are out yet!!!!!! They are hungry,and believe me they will let you know 24/7 when it is time to eat... and drink....They peep,peep,peep and on and on until you get up.What does Christian have to say about those little black Cayguas.I want to SEE PICTURES!!!!!!!! Way down here in NC,and waiting the whole month......,,,,Sandra
Well lots I want to know.
First of all does anyone have cochins that are laying right now? I have had these for 2 months and have not seen the 1st egg out of them. I am getting frustrated. With the cochins I have an americauna and some barred rocks. They are not even laying. I think I am going to fire them. I bought some brahmas a couple of weeks ago at London. They are supposebly young. They look full sized to me. And I am already getting a single lonely egg every day. I WANT EGGS. And yes I am giving them laying mash in a feeder and giving them scratch daily at feeding time. Are cochins not good layers??

And some good news. I am borrowing/renting an incubator. A friend at work use to deal with quail, ducks and such but doesnt anymore. Foxes or something got most of his animals and he got disgusted. He is going to let me use his incubator. He says it will hold about 200 eggs. I am going to get eggs from Mario49 to put in it since I am not getting any. We are hopefully going to work us out a deal of some sorts. He has really nice barred rocks, and white leghorns. His dad has comets. So I will be doing some research tonight on that. So any insights anyone might have throw them at me. But my first question is how fresh does the eggs have to be. I know I read or heard not to refrigerate them. But they will get cold outside. If I kept them in the house for a couple of days would that be ok??

Yeah welcome dreamcatcher. Cindy (cthrash) and I Christy are from Somerset. I work in Danville.
My dad has 2 cochin mixed hens. One of them lays an egg almost every day. The other layed for a few weeks after she left her chicks, but she has since stopped for the season. They are both standards. The only other cochins here are the trio I just got off bluedog, and they haven't been here long enough to get used to the place.
Your question about chickens needing a buddy, seems to be true. I have many different breeds, and when placed in a larger run, they will tend to prefer the company of their own kind. They even segregate themselves according to color.

Bandaid, my TSC Cochin(pet quality only) was a really good layer, laid an egg almost every day. But her littermate, that I got from Laynes friend after Bandaid was killed, hasn't even started yet. They were the same age. Wierd huh.
My cochins under light, have been laying all winter, except when I let them go broody. My outside cochins, have just started laying again. Especiallyafter we get a little warm spell. For me cochins have been the best layers. I let them go broody, they hatch, and within a week they are laing again. And fertility - I have had cochins running out of my ears.

Egg fertility will drop after about one week. With the cold temps coming you will have to keep them inside, a cool area, but not refrigerated.

Hope this helps.

I have two Salmon Fav pullets but only wanted one...I decided to keep two after reading they do better in pairs or with a buddy, has anyone else found this to be true?

I have several who have segregated themselves by when and how they were added to the flock. I have 6 chicks a silkie who mommas the other 5, two chicks I got from Shelley, and 3 Favs that hang together that were added at the same time and are littermates then I also have 3, a BLRW/BCM, EE, and a Brilkie that hang together that are littermates.

Edited to fix my mistake
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